Food Safety Violations

Food Safety Violations Display of the number of violations identified in a given year; identified violations classified as critical or non-critical violations This dashboard displays the number of violations identified in the years indicated. The number of violations identified are then further classified into critical and non-critical violations. Critical violations are violations that pose an immediate risk to food safety and must be corrected within a determined period of time. Non-critical violations do not pose an immediate risk to food safety, but must be corrected before becoming a risk to food safety. This dashboard was created by the Food Safety and Inspection Branch - Manitoba Agriculture. Field Alias (Field Name): Violations per Inspection - Overview ( 2024-06-05 Government of Manitoba AgricultureViolations per InspectionInspection and ViolationsCritical ViolationsNon Critical ViolationsManitobaProvince of ManitobaGovernment of ManitobaCanadaPublicEscalating EnforcementViolationsFood SafetyEnforcementManitoba GovernmentAgricultureTop ViolationsOpen Data original metadata (

Display of the number of violations identified in a given year; identified violations classified as critical or non-critical violations

This dashboard displays the number of violations identified in the years indicated. The number of violations identified are then further classified into critical and non-critical violations. Critical violations are violations that pose an immediate risk to food safety and must be corrected within a determined period of time. Non-critical violations do not pose an immediate risk to food safety, but must be corrected before becoming a risk to food safety. This dashboard was created by the Food Safety and Inspection Branch - Manitoba Agriculture. Field Alias (Field Name): Violations per Inspection - Overview (

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