Surficial geology of Rhyolite Creek (115G/16), Yukon (1: 50 000 scale)

Surficial geology of Rhyolite Creek (115G/16), Yukon (1: 50 000 scale) The Rhyolite Creek map area is on the northeastern side of the Nisling Range. Summits and ridges in this part of the Nisling Range are between 1400 m and 1800 m above sea level. Much of the upland surface is treeless and is covered with weathered bedrock colluvium. Upland surficial deposits are affected by active periglacial processes such as cryoturbation, nivation and solifluction. 2024-02-16 Government of Yukon Science and TechnologyYukon Geological SurveyYukon Data MapPDF Original metadata (

The Rhyolite Creek map area is on the northeastern side of the Nisling Range. Summits and ridges in this part of the Nisling Range are between 1400 m and 1800 m above sea level. Much of the upland surface is treeless and is covered with weathered bedrock colluvium. Upland surficial deposits are affected by active periglacial processes such as cryoturbation, nivation and solifluction.

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