Manitoba Parks - Winter Recreation Trails

Manitoba Parks - Winter Recreation Trails Polyline feature layer of winter trails in Manitoba provincial parks. This feature layer contains polylines showing locations of winter trails in Manitoba provincial parks. Winter trails are those trails designated for certain winter activities, such as cross-country skiing, skijoring, skate-skiing, fat biking, and dog sledding. Most of these trails are groomed by Manitoba Parks staff throughout the season. This layer is used in the interactive map Manitoba Parks - Winter Activity Trails Map and the web app Manitoba Parks - Winter Trails and Recreation Areas. The dataset includes the following fields (Alias (Name): Description) Trail Name (Trail_Name): Name of the trail Park Name (Park_Name): Name of the provincial park where the trail is located Winter Use (Winter_Use): Indicates whether or not the trail is designated for winter use (Note: All features in this layer have a value of 'Yes') For more information about winter activities, visit the Manitoba Parks website. 2024-06-17 Government of Manitoba Nature and EnvironmentManitobaOpen DataGovernment information CSVCSV ArcGIS GeoServiceESRI REST ArcGIS GeoServiceESRI REST GeoJSONGEOJSON original metadata ( KMLKML ShapefileSHP

Polyline feature layer of winter trails in Manitoba provincial parks.

This feature layer contains polylines showing locations of winter trails in Manitoba provincial parks. Winter trails are those trails designated for certain winter activities, such as cross-country skiing, skijoring, skate-skiing, fat biking, and dog sledding. Most of these trails are groomed by Manitoba Parks staff throughout the season. This layer is used in the interactive map Manitoba Parks - Winter Activity Trails Map and the web app Manitoba Parks - Winter Trails and Recreation Areas. The dataset includes the following fields (Alias (Name): Description) Trail Name (Trail_Name): Name of the trail Park Name (Park_Name): Name of the provincial park where the trail is located Winter Use (Winter_Use): Indicates whether or not the trail is designated for winter use (Note: All features in this layer have a value of 'Yes') For more information about winter activities, visit the Manitoba Parks website.

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