Kluane Lake West Aeromagnetic Survey, First Vertical Derivative of the Magnetic Field, NTS 115G/12 and parts of NTS 115G/11, 13, 14 and NTS 115F/9 and 16, Yukon

Kluane Lake West Aeromagnetic Survey, First Vertical Derivative of the Magnetic Field, NTS 115G/12 and parts of NTS 115G/11, 13, 14 and NTS 115F/9 and 16, Yukon Kluane Lake West Aeromagnetic Survey, First Vertical Derivative of the Magnetic Field, NTS 115G/12 and parts of NTS 115G/11, 13, 14 and NTS 115F/9 and 16, Yukon 2024-03-18 Government of Yukon geology@gov.yk.ca Form DescriptorsNature and EnvironmentScience and TechnologyYukon Geological SurveyYukon DataGovernment information Original metadata (https://open.yukon.ca)HTML https://open.yukon.ca/data/datasets/kluane-lake-west-aeromagnetic-survey-first-vertical-derivative-magnetic-field-nts-3 mapPDF https://ygsftp.gov.yk.ca/publications/openfile/2015/of2015-19.pdf grid dataother https://ygsftp.gov.yk.ca/publications/openfile/2015/of2015-16_21/grids.zip geotiffother https://data.geology.gov.yk.ca/reference/69458

Kluane Lake West Aeromagnetic Survey, First Vertical Derivative of the Magnetic Field, NTS 115G/12 and parts of NTS 115G/11, 13, 14 and NTS 115F/9 and 16, Yukon

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