BC Sub-Provincial Population Estimates and Projections

BC Sub-Provincial Population Estimates and Projections Sub-provincial population estimates and projections by age and gender for a variety of region types. Customizable breakdowns for counts and additional statistics are available via [BC Stats' Population App](https://bcstats.shinyapps.io/popApp/). Estimates: A population estimate is a measure of the current or historical population. BC Stats annually releases total population estimates for sub-provincial region types. These estimates are consistent in aggregate with the July 1st provincial level estimates produced by Statistics Canada. More information can be found on BC Stats' [Population Estimates page](https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content?id=36D1A7A4BEE248598281824C13CB65B6). Projections: A population projection is a forecast of future population growth. BC Stats applies the Component/Cohort-Survival method to project the population. This method "grows" the population from the latest base year estimate by forecasting births, deaths and migration by age. These forecasts are based on past trends modified to account for possible future changes and, consequently, should be viewed as only one possible scenario of future population. Projections are also released annually and are as of July 1st. More information can be found on BC Stats' [Population Projections page](https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content?id=BB4112D90F38414984C25A75CC4F029B). Wondering about the location of a particular region or its boundaries? Check out the [Administrative Boundaries page](https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/data/geographic-data-services/land-use/administrative-boundaries) for more information. 2024-05-01 Government of British Columbia BC.Stats@gov.bc.ca Society and Culturebc statsestimatespopulationprojections School DistrictsCSV https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/86839277-986a-4a29-9f70-fa9b1166f6cb/resource/102e1bff-4962-4537-83f6-2d4d890e05d6/download/school-district-population.csv Municipalities (Census Subdivisions)CSV https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/86839277-986a-4a29-9f70-fa9b1166f6cb/resource/0e15d04d-127c-457a-b999-20800c929927/download/municipality-population.csv College RegionsCSV https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/86839277-986a-4a29-9f70-fa9b1166f6cb/resource/02425beb-d1fc-4b93-8e56-cfb5f67c8c29/download/college-region-population.csv Local Health AreasCSV https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/86839277-986a-4a29-9f70-fa9b1166f6cb/resource/d4bbb2a0-aff7-403f-b52a-a634d05ee70f/download/local-health-area-population.csv Health AuthoritiesCSV https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/86839277-986a-4a29-9f70-fa9b1166f6cb/resource/fb35712b-8419-492a-96af-5c39c588da3c/download/health-authority-population.csv Children and Family Development RegionsCSV https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/86839277-986a-4a29-9f70-fa9b1166f6cb/resource/9e9679be-8f3d-42c0-b1ca-a4bb471d96f6/download/children-and-family-development-population.csv Community Health Service AreasCSV https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/86839277-986a-4a29-9f70-fa9b1166f6cb/resource/8a4866ba-cf90-4688-aacc-378227eaac2e/download/community-health-service-area-population.csv Regional Districts (Census Divisions)CSV https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/86839277-986a-4a29-9f70-fa9b1166f6cb/resource/36610a52-6f90-4ed6-946d-587641a490df/download/regional-district-population.csv Development (Economic) RegionsCSV https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/86839277-986a-4a29-9f70-fa9b1166f6cb/resource/6ec0805b-2f6f-4b63-95e8-d3a818469622/download/development-region-population.csv Original metadata (https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca)HTML https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/bc-sub-provincial-population-estimates-and-projections Health Service Delivery AreasCSV https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/86839277-986a-4a29-9f70-fa9b1166f6cb/resource/ff17aca9-d049-4407-a5f9-b7ef163d4e28/download/health-service-delivery-area-population.csv School Trustee Electoral AreasCSV https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/86839277-986a-4a29-9f70-fa9b1166f6cb/resource/caf02926-4289-468f-9de8-dce709f7c9a8/download/trustee-electoral-area-population.csv

Sub-provincial population estimates and projections by age and gender for a variety of region types. Customizable breakdowns for counts and additional statistics are available via BC Stats' Population App. Estimates: A population estimate is a measure of the current or historical population. BC Stats annually releases total population estimates for sub-provincial region types. These estimates are consistent in aggregate with the July 1st provincial level estimates produced by Statistics Canada. More information can be found on BC Stats' Population Estimates page. Projections: A population projection is a forecast of future population growth. BC Stats applies the Component/Cohort-Survival method to project the population. This method "grows" the population from the latest base year estimate by forecasting births, deaths and migration by age. These forecasts are based on past trends modified to account for possible future changes and, consequently, should be viewed as only one possible scenario of future population. Projections are also released annually and are as of July 1st. More information can be found on BC Stats' Population Projections page. Wondering about the location of a particular region or its boundaries? Check out the Administrative Boundaries page for more information.

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Contact Information

Electronic Mail Address: BC.Stats@gov.bc.ca

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