Average OSAP debt

Average OSAP debt Data on the average amount of OSAP debt owed by students. The data is specific to those who attended programs with typical durations. Data is for: * 4-year undergraduate university students * 2-year college diploma students * 1-year private career college students The data fields are: * academic year of completion * postsecondary sector (university, publicly-assisted college, or private career college) * program duration (1 year, 2 years or 4 years) * average repayable debt after loan forgiveness applied through the Ontario Student Opportunity Grant Debt is in nominal dollars with no adjustment for inflation. *[OSAP]: Ontario Student Assistance Program 2024-07-24 Government of Ontario Government and PoliticsEducation and Training Average OSAP debtXLSX https://files.ontario.ca/opendata/osap_average_repayable_debt_2014_-_translated.xlsx

Data on the average amount of OSAP debt owed by students. The data is specific to those who attended programs with typical durations. Data is for: * 4-year undergraduate university students * 2-year college diploma students * 1-year private career college students The data fields are: * academic year of completion * postsecondary sector (university, publicly-assisted college, or private career college) * program duration (1 year, 2 years or 4 years) * average repayable debt after loan forgiveness applied through the Ontario Student Opportunity Grant Debt is in nominal dollars with no adjustment for inflation. *[OSAP]: Ontario Student Assistance Program

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