Children and youth mental health: organizational and clinical data

Children and youth mental health: organizational and clinical data The organizational data contains non-personally identifying information on clients referred to, served by, admitted to, and discharged from CPRI. The clinical assessment data included is collected using the interRAI Child and Youth Mental Health (ChYMH) and the ChYMH-Developmental Disability (ChyMH- DD) instruments. These assessment tools are designed for children and youth with mental health concerns receiving services from both inpatient and community-based mental health programs. The clinical assessment dataset is organized by Ministry of Children and Youth Services Regions: * Central * East * North * Toronto * West * Ontario See data dictionary for individual variables. *[CPRI]: Child and Parent Resource Institute 2024-05-15 Government of Ontario Government and PoliticsHousing Communities and Social SupportGovernment Clinical data: data dictionaryXLSX Clinical dataCSV Organizational data: data dictionaryXLSX Organizational dataCSV Original metadata ( Original metadata (

The organizational data contains non-personally identifying information on clients referred to, served by, admitted to, and discharged from CPRI. The clinical assessment data included is collected using the interRAI Child and Youth Mental Health (ChYMH) and the ChYMH-Developmental Disability (ChyMH- DD) instruments. These assessment tools are designed for children and youth with mental health concerns receiving services from both inpatient and community-based mental health programs. The clinical assessment dataset is organized by Ministry of Children and Youth Services Regions: * Central * East * North * Toronto * West * Ontario See data dictionary for individual variables. *[CPRI]: Child and Parent Resource Institute

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