Treaty/Settlement Map 2020 (Managed Forest Code 40)

Treaty/Settlement Map 2020 (Managed Forest Code 40) Treaty/Settlement map (managed forest code 40) used in the Forest Management in Canada, 2020 story map. Treaty/Settlement map (managed forest code 40) using  Aboriginal Lands of Canada Legislative Boundaries . These are lands owned by a First Nation, Metis or Inuit authority. The Treaty/Settlement map is used in the Story Map of Forest Management in Canada, 2020 (Aménagement des forêts au Canada, 2020) and includes the following tiled layer: Tile Layer of Treaty Settlement Managed Forest Code 40: 2020 2024-06-17 Government of Manitoba Nature and EnvironmentCCFMForest ManagementCanada2020Managed ForestsTreatySettlementCanada's Managed ForestsPublicForestryEnvironmentForestsResource ManagementNatural ResourcesGeographic DataMapsForest Management in CanadaAménagement des forêts au CanadaforêtsMapTerres visées par un traité ou entente40Open DataGovernment information original metadata (

Treaty/Settlement map (managed forest code 40) used in the Forest Management in Canada, 2020 story map.

Treaty/Settlement map (managed forest code 40) using  Aboriginal Lands of Canada Legislative Boundaries . These are lands owned by a First Nation, Metis or Inuit authority. The Treaty/Settlement map is used in the Story Map of Forest Management in Canada, 2020 (Aménagement des forêts au Canada, 2020) and includes the following tiled layer: Tile Layer of Treaty Settlement Managed Forest Code 40: 2020

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