Land cover compilation

Land cover compilation This dataset combines: * [Far North Land Cover](/dataset/far-north-land-cover) * [Southern Ontario Land Resource Information System](/dataset/southern-ontario-land-resource-information-system) * [Provincial Land Cover 2000 Edition](/dataset/provincial-land-cover) While each of these source products has different pixel resolutions, projections and classifications, the combined OLCC data set is a standardized product. It has a: * 15 meter pixel resolution * Ontario Lambert Conformal Conic coordinate system * 30 land cover class structure The standardized classification has been accomplished at the expense of the more detailed class structures contained in the original 3 products. Where possible, the original land cover products should be used for analysis. 2024-07-17 Government of Ontario Economics and IndustryEconomy and BusinessEnvironment and Natural ResourcesEnvironment and energyGovernment information Access to Land cover compilationHTML Ontario Land Cover Compilation - Data Specification Version 2PDF Far North Land Cover - Data Specification Version 1.4PDF SOLRIS - Data Specification Version 1.2PDF Ontario Land Cover Compilation v.2.0 (extracted from geohub)ZIP

This dataset combines: * Far North Land Cover * Southern Ontario Land Resource Information System * Provincial Land Cover 2000 Edition While each of these source products has different pixel resolutions, projections and classifications, the combined OLCC data set is a standardized product. It has a: * 15 meter pixel resolution * Ontario Lambert Conformal Conic coordinate system * 30 land cover class structure The standardized classification has been accomplished at the expense of the more detailed class structures contained in the original 3 products. Where possible, the original land cover products should be used for analysis.

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