Vegetation Inventory Roads - 40k

Vegetation Inventory Roads - 40k The roads and linear features in this data set were compiled and interpreted in association with the Vegetation Inventory (1995-2006). It is a representation of various linear features on the land base. The linear features were classified by the interpreters based on the NTDB classification system for roads and trails, at that time. When used in conjunction with other road or linear transportation networks, there may be duplication of lines and information. Distributed from GeoYukon by the Government of Yukon . Discover more digital map data and interactive maps from Yukon's digital map data collection. For more information: 2024-03-18 Government of Yukon Nature and Environmentforestlinearnetworkyukonroadgeoyukonwildlife key areadata sourcereferencebearGovernment information Vegetation Inventory Roads - 40kHTML Original metadata ( Vegetation Inventory Roads - 40kXML Vegetation Inventory Roads - 40kother

The roads and linear features in this data set were compiled and interpreted in association with the Vegetation Inventory (1995-2006). It is a representation of various linear features on the land base. The linear features were classified by the interpreters based on the NTDB classification system for roads and trails, at that time. When used in conjunction with other road or linear transportation networks, there may be duplication of lines and information. Distributed from GeoYukon by the Government of Yukon . Discover more digital map data and interactive maps from Yukon's digital map data collection. For more information:

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