Inventory of Air Quality Bylaws in British Columbia

Inventory of Air Quality Bylaws in British Columbia This tabular data contains a summary of three air quality bylaws - vehicle idling, open burning, and solid fuel (wood) burning appliances - in place within municipalities and regional districts across British Columbia in 2016. The Population 2015 estimates were sourced from [BC Stats]( in 2016. BC Stats releases revised population estimates on an annual basis, including re-calculation of estimates from previous years. Please see BC Stats for current British Columbia population estimate [data]( Historical inventories of air quality bylaws are available in a [series of reports]( The data is used to support the 'Status of Air Quality Bylaws in B.C.' indicator published by [Environmental Reporting BC]( 2024-07-24 Government of British Columbia Nature and Environmentairair qualitybylawsstateofenvironment Original metadata ( BC Air Quality Bylaw Inventory 2016CSV

This tabular data contains a summary of three air quality bylaws - vehicle idling, open burning, and solid fuel (wood) burning appliances - in place within municipalities and regional districts across British Columbia in 2016. The Population 2015 estimates were sourced from BC Stats in 2016. BC Stats releases revised population estimates on an annual basis, including re-calculation of estimates from previous years. Please see BC Stats for current British Columbia population estimate data. Historical inventories of air quality bylaws are available in a series of reports. The data is used to support the 'Status of Air Quality Bylaws in B.C.' indicator published by Environmental Reporting BC.

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