Provincially Significant Employment Zones

Provincially Significant Employment Zones ## GIS data containing the boundaries of Provincially Significant Employment Zones in the Greater Golden Horseshoe as identified by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing As areas of high economic output, provincially significant employment zones are strategically located to provide stable, reliable employment across the Greater Golden Horseshoe region. They provide opportunities to improve coordination between land use planning, economic development, and infrastructure investments to support investment and job creation over the longer-term. 2024-07-17 Government of Ontario Economics and IndustryHousing Communities and Social SupportEconomy and BusinessInfrastructure and TransportationGovernment information Provincially Significant Employment ZonesHTML Zones d’emploi d’importance provincialeHTML Provincially Significant Employment Zones (extracted from geohub)ZIP

GIS data containing the boundaries of Provincially Significant Employment Zones in the Greater Golden Horseshoe as identified by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing As areas of high economic output, provincially significant employment zones are strategically located to provide stable, reliable employment across the Greater Golden Horseshoe region. They provide opportunities to improve coordination between land use planning, economic development, and infrastructure investments to support investment and job creation over the longer-term.

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