BC Tree Species Map/Likelihoods 2015

BC Tree Species Map/Likelihoods 2015 Dominant Species Map 2015 The data represent dominant tree species for British Columbia forests in 2015, are based upon Landsat data and modeling, with results mapped at 30 m spatial resolution. The map was generated with the Random Forests classifier that used predictor variables derived from Landsat time series including surface reflectance, land cover, forest disturbance, and forest structure, and ancillary variables describing the topography and position. Training and validation samples were derived from the Vegetation Resources Inventory (VRI), from a pool of polygons with homogeneous internal conditions and with low discrepancies with the remotely sensed predictions. Local models were applied over 100x100 km tiles that considered training samples from the 5x5 neighbouring tiles to avoid edge effects. An overall accuracy of 72% was found for the species which occupy 80% of the forested areas. Satellite data and modeling have demonstrated the capacity for up-to-date, wall-to-wall, forest attribute maps at sub-stand level for British Columbia, Canada. BC Species Likelihood 2015 The tree species class membership likelihood distribution data included in this product focused on the province of British Columbia, based upon Landsat data and modeling, with results mapped at 30 m spatial resolution. The data represent tree species class membership likelihood in 2015. The map was generated with the Random Forests classifier that used predictor variables derived from Landsat time series including surface reflectance, land cover, forest disturbance, and forest structure, and ancillary variables describing the topography and position. Training and validation samples were derived from the Vegetation Resources Inventory (VRI) selecting from a stratified pool of polygons with homogeneous internal conditions and with low discrepancies when related to remotely sensed information. Local models were applied over 100x100 km tiles that, to avoid edge effects, considered training samples from the 5x5 neighbouring tiles. An overall accuracy of 72% was found for the species which occupy 80% of the forested areas. As an element of the mapping process, we also obtain the votes received for each class by the Random Forest models. The votes can be understood as analogous to class membership likelihoods, providing enriched information on land cover class uncertainty for use in modeling. Tree species class membership likelihoods lower than 5% have been masked and converted to zero. When using this data, please cite as: Shang, C., Coops, N.C., Wulder, M.A., White, J.C., Hermosilla, T., 2020. Update and spatial extension of strategic forest inventories using time series remote sensing and modeling. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 84, 101956. DOI: 10.1016/j.jag.2019.101956 ( Shang et al. 2020). 2021-05-18 Natural Resources Canada mike.wulder@canada.ca Form DescriptorsNature and EnvironmentScience and TechnologyForests A nationwide annual characterization of 25 years of forest disturbance and recovery for Canada using Landsat time seriesHTML http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0034425717301360 BC Tree SpeciesWMS https://opendata.nfis.org/mapserver/cgi-bin/wms_change_fra.cgi?service=wms&version=1.3.0&request=GetCapabilities&layers=bctreespec&legend_format=image/png&feature_info_type=text/html BC Tree SpeciesWMS https://opendata.nfis.org/mapserver/cgi-bin/wms_change.cgi?service=wms&version=1.3.0&request=GetCapabilities&layers=bctreespec&legend_format=image/png&feature_info_type=text/html Update and spatial extension of strategic forest inventories using time series remote sensing and modelingPDF https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S030324341930738X BC Tree Species Map/Likelihoods 2015ZIP https://opendata.nfis.org/downloads/forest_change/BC_tree_species_2015.zip

Dominant Species Map 2015

The data represent dominant tree species for British Columbia forests in 2015, are based upon Landsat data and modeling, with results mapped at 30 m spatial resolution. The map was generated with the Random Forests classifier that used predictor variables derived from Landsat time series including surface reflectance, land cover, forest disturbance, and forest structure, and ancillary variables describing the topography and position. Training and validation samples were derived from the Vegetation Resources Inventory (VRI), from a pool of polygons with homogeneous internal conditions and with low discrepancies with the remotely sensed predictions. Local models were applied over 100x100 km tiles that considered training samples from the 5x5 neighbouring tiles to avoid edge effects. An overall accuracy of 72% was found for the species which occupy 80% of the forested areas. Satellite data and modeling have demonstrated the capacity for up-to-date, wall-to-wall, forest attribute maps at sub-stand level for British Columbia, Canada.

BC Species Likelihood 2015

The tree species class membership likelihood distribution data included in this product focused on the province of British Columbia, based upon Landsat data and modeling, with results mapped at 30 m spatial resolution. The data represent tree species class membership likelihood in 2015. The map was generated with the Random Forests classifier that used predictor variables derived from Landsat time series including surface reflectance, land cover, forest disturbance, and forest structure, and ancillary variables describing the topography and position. Training and validation samples were derived from the Vegetation Resources Inventory (VRI) selecting from a stratified pool of polygons with homogeneous internal conditions and with low discrepancies when related to remotely sensed information. Local models were applied over 100x100 km tiles that, to avoid edge effects, considered training samples from the 5x5 neighbouring tiles. An overall accuracy of 72% was found for the species which occupy 80% of the forested areas. As an element of the mapping process, we also obtain the votes received for each class by the Random Forest models. The votes can be understood as analogous to class membership likelihoods, providing enriched information on land cover class uncertainty for use in modeling. Tree species class membership likelihoods lower than 5% have been masked and converted to zero.

When using this data, please cite as: Shang, C., Coops, N.C., Wulder, M.A., White, J.C., Hermosilla, T., 2020. Update and spatial extension of strategic forest inventories using time series remote sensing and modeling. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 84, 101956. DOI: 10.1016/j.jag.2019.101956 ( Shang et al. 2020).

Data and Resources

Contact Information

Delivery Point: 506 Burnside Road West

City: Victoria

Administrative Area: British Columbia

Postal Code: V8R 2E4

Country: Canada

Electronic Mail Address: mike.wulder@canada.ca

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