Motor Vehicle Serious Injuries with Distraction Involvement

Motor Vehicle Serious Injuries with Distraction Involvement The number of Motor Vehicle serious injuries in British Columbia with distraction involvement by year. This data includes only crashes attended by a police officer where the officer assesses that a victim will require more than 24 hours of hospitalization. This data excludes victims on roads where the Motor Vehicle Act does not apply (such as forest-service roads, industrial roads and private driveways); victims of off-road snow mobile accidents; homicides or suicides; and crashes where a police officer does not attend. 2024-05-01 Government of British Columbia Health and Safetydistracted drivinginjurymotor vehicle motor-vehicle-serious-injuries-with-distraction-involvementXLSX motor-vehicle-serious-injuries-with-distraction-involvementCSV Original metadata (

The number of Motor Vehicle serious injuries in British Columbia with distraction involvement by year. This data includes only crashes attended by a police officer where the officer assesses that a victim will require more than 24 hours of hospitalization. This data excludes victims on roads where the Motor Vehicle Act does not apply (such as forest-service roads, industrial roads and private driveways); victims of off-road snow mobile accidents; homicides or suicides; and crashes where a police officer does not attend.

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