Barrier beach stability - Kejimkujik

Barrier beach stability - Kejimkujik The estuary lagoons at Kejimkujik Seaside are important transition zones between saltwater and freshwater habitats providing a rich diversity of niches for organisms, including important nursery areas for some marine species. These barrier beaches are moving landward. It is necessary that they continue this movement since artificial stabilization could mean the linear or offshore movement of the sand, effectively exposing these lagoons and changing them into bays. By tracking this change dynamic, park managers will obtain advanced warning of accelerated sand shifts and the ability of the dunes to react to storm surge events and sea level change. This monitoring occurs every 5 years by measuring the elevation along established transects using total station survey equipment. 2024-05-03 Parks Canada Nature and EnvironmentCoastal dynamicsduneserosionNova Scotia Barrier Beach Stability - Kejimkujik - Transect DataCSV

The estuary lagoons at Kejimkujik Seaside are important transition zones between saltwater and freshwater habitats providing a rich diversity of niches for organisms, including important nursery areas for some marine species. These barrier beaches are moving landward. It is necessary that they continue this movement since artificial stabilization could mean the linear or offshore movement of the sand, effectively exposing these lagoons and changing them into bays. By tracking this change dynamic, park managers will obtain advanced warning of accelerated sand shifts and the ability of the dunes to react to storm surge events and sea level change. This monitoring occurs every 5 years by measuring the elevation along established transects using total station survey equipment.

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