FRI: Forest stands

FRI: Forest stands Forest stands (FSTAND) is a vector delineation of relatively homogeneous forest stands or naturally non-forested areas as polygons with a 0.5 ha minimum area and a 2.0 ha median area. Download: Here The Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment, Forest Service Branch, has developed a forest resource inventory (FRI) which meets a variety of strategic and operational planning information needs for the boreal plains. Such needs include information on the general land cover, terrain, and growing stock (height, diameter, basal area, timber volume and stem density) within the provincial forest and adjacent forest fringe. This inventory provides spatially explicit information as 10 m or 20 m raster grids and as vectors polygons for relatively homogeneous forest stands or naturally non-forested areas with a 0.5 ha minimum area and a 2.0 ha median area. Forest stands (FSTAND) is a vector delineation of relatively homogeneous forest stands or naturally non-forested areas as polygon with a 0.5 ha minimum area and a 2.0 ha median area. For more information, see the Forest Inventory Standard of the Saskatchewan Environmental Code, Forest Inventory Chapter. 2024-06-17 Government of Saskatchewan Nature and EnvironmentScience and Technologystandsvectorpolygonforestryforestforest inventoryforest resource inventoryfriforest serviceministry of environmentenvironmentgovernment of saskatchewansaskatchewancanadaGovernment information CSVCSV ArcGIS GeoServiceESRI REST ArcGIS GeoServiceESRI REST GeoJSONGEOJSON original metadata ( KMLKML ShapefileSHP

Forest stands (FSTAND) is a vector delineation of relatively homogeneous forest stands or naturally non-forested areas as polygons with a 0.5 ha minimum area and a 2.0 ha median area.

Download: Here The Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment, Forest Service Branch, has developed a forest resource inventory (FRI) which meets a variety of strategic and operational planning information needs for the boreal plains. Such needs include information on the general land cover, terrain, and growing stock (height, diameter, basal area, timber volume and stem density) within the provincial forest and adjacent forest fringe. This inventory provides spatially explicit information as 10 m or 20 m raster grids and as vectors polygons for relatively homogeneous forest stands or naturally non-forested areas with a 0.5 ha minimum area and a 2.0 ha median area. Forest stands (FSTAND) is a vector delineation of relatively homogeneous forest stands or naturally non-forested areas as polygon with a 0.5 ha minimum area and a 2.0 ha median area. For more information, see the Forest Inventory Standard of the Saskatchewan Environmental Code, Forest Inventory Chapter.

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