MTL Trajet travel

MTL Trajet travel In a context of numerous projects, Montreal has made every effort to improve the mobility of users, all modes of transport combined. The [MTL Trajet] application ( is one of the many measures put forward to better understand and facilitate travel in Montreal. This set contains the filtered data collected during this study. The data is divided into two different sets to offer the maximum amount of data without compromising the confidentiality of users of the MTL Trajet application. __Points__ The “points_mtl_trip” dataset includes each of the points, with an acceptable positioning quality, collected during the MTL Trajet travel survey. These points have been treated and filtered to remove all sensitive items on a user. __Journeys__ This file includes each of the trips obtained using the filtered data. This file is therefore an agglomeration of points into segments making it possible to define the routes of users. These segments were produced using the OSRM routing engine in order to identify points on the networks (lanes, bike paths, subway, suburban train). In order to protect the privacy of users of the application, the information allowing trips to be linked to users has been removed. These trips are then complete; on the other hand, it is impossible to determine whether two trips were made by the same user.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).** 2024-04-04 Government and Municipalities of Québec Form DescriptorsNature and EnvironmentScience and Technology MTL Trajet 2017 - TripsGEOJSON MTL Trajet 2017 - PointsGEOJSON MTL Trajet 2016GEOJSON Original metadata ( MTL Trajet 2017 - TripsSHP MTL Trajet 2017 - PointsSHP MTL Trajet 2016SHP

In a context of numerous projects, Montreal has made every effort to improve the mobility of users, all modes of transport combined. The [MTL Trajet] application ( is one of the many measures put forward to better understand and facilitate travel in Montreal. This set contains the filtered data collected during this study. The data is divided into two different sets to offer the maximum amount of data without compromising the confidentiality of users of the MTL Trajet application. Points The “points_mtl_trip” dataset includes each of the points, with an acceptable positioning quality, collected during the MTL Trajet travel survey. These points have been treated and filtered to remove all sensitive items on a user. Journeys This file includes each of the trips obtained using the filtered data. This file is therefore an agglomeration of points into segments making it possible to define the routes of users. These segments were produced using the OSRM routing engine in order to identify points on the networks (lanes, bike paths, subway, suburban train). In order to protect the privacy of users of the application, the information allowing trips to be linked to users has been removed. These trips are then complete; on the other hand, it is impossible to determine whether two trips were made by the same user.This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).

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