RADARSAT-1 - Africa Mosaics

RADARSAT-1 - Africa Mosaics Mosaic of Africa - This mosaic of Africa consists of approximately 1600 images that were collected between October 1998 and July 2002. The northern part of the mosaic (above 10 degrees parallel north) was generated with the ScanSAR Narrow beam and the southern part (below 10 degrees parallel north) is based on W2 beam images. The Canary Islands is the only area acquired in another mode; this mosaic is based on Wide 2, Standard 2 and 5. Include mosaics by country. The mosaic was produced by MacDonald Dettwiler and Associates Ltd. in collaboration with the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) and the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing. RADARSAT data © CSA. Note that some more massive images can be complicated to download. It is then advisable to use a viewing tool created specifically for satellite images. Several tools are available in open format. 2016-11-19 Canadian Space Agency open-ouvert@tbs-sct.gc.ca Science and TechnologyMapAfricaSatelliteRADARSAT-1 RADARSAT-1 AfricaTIFF ftp://ftp.asc-csa.gc.ca/users/GEOSS/pub/Africa/

Mosaic of Africa - This mosaic of Africa consists of approximately 1600 images that were collected between October 1998 and July 2002. The northern part of the mosaic (above 10 degrees parallel north) was generated with the ScanSAR Narrow beam and the southern part (below 10 degrees parallel north) is based on W2 beam images. The Canary Islands is the only area acquired in another mode; this mosaic is based on Wide 2, Standard 2 and 5. Include mosaics by country. The mosaic was produced by MacDonald Dettwiler and Associates Ltd. in collaboration with the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) and the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing. RADARSAT data © CSA. Note that some more massive images can be complicated to download. It is then advisable to use a viewing tool created specifically for satellite images. Several tools are available in open format.

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