Geobase - knots

Geobase - knots The geobase is the spatial representation of the road network in the form of a filamentary network composed of lines called sections. At the intersections of these sections or at their limits, points called __knots__ are placed, which, in special cases, have a specific type. This __Geobase - Nodes__ data set includes the nodes that accompany the sections that are part of the [Geobase - road network] data set ( Related data sets: - [Geobase - road network] ( - [Geobase double - street sides of the road network] ( - [Geobase - poles] ( - [Geobase - destroyed sections] ( - () - [Geobase - sections management] () - [Geobase - section management] ( __Warnings__ - Broadcast data (Geobase - nodes) must be used in accordance with the policy and the open data license from the City of Montreal. - The data disseminated (Geobase - nodes) are those that are in our possession and are not necessarily up to date throughout the territory. - The data disseminated (Géobase - nodes) is provided for information purposes only and should not be used for the purposes of designing or carrying out the work, nor for the purposes of locating assets. - The City of Montreal and the Division of Geomatics cannot be held responsible for inaccuracies or inaccuracies broadcast data (Geobase - nodes).**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).** 2024-04-04 Government and Municipalities of Québec Form DescriptorsNature and EnvironmentScience and Technology Geobase - nodes - CSV formatCSV Original metadata ( Geobase - nodes - GeoJSON formatJSON Geobase - nodes - SHP formatZIP

The geobase is the spatial representation of the road network in the form of a filamentary network composed of lines called sections. At the intersections of these sections or at their limits, points called knots are placed, which, in special cases, have a specific type. This Geobase - Nodes data set includes the nodes that accompany the sections that are part of the [Geobase - road network] data set ( Related data sets: - [Geobase - road network] ( - [Geobase double - street sides of the road network] ( - [Geobase - poles] ( - [Geobase - destroyed sections] ( - () - [Geobase - sections management] () - [Geobase - section management] ( Warnings - Broadcast data (Geobase - nodes) must be used in accordance with the policy and the open data license from the City of Montreal. - The data disseminated (Geobase - nodes) are those that are in our possession and are not necessarily up to date throughout the territory. - The data disseminated (Géobase - nodes) is provided for information purposes only and should not be used for the purposes of designing or carrying out the work, nor for the purposes of locating assets. - The City of Montreal and the Division of Geomatics cannot be held responsible for inaccuracies or inaccuracies broadcast data (Geobase - nodes).This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).

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