Urban plan - Special urban planning programs

Urban plan - Special urban planning programs The Special Urban Planning Program (PPU) is a component of the Urban Plan that makes it possible to bring more precision to the planning of certain sectors. The adoption of a PPU by the municipal council constitutes an amendment to the Plan and is preceded by a public consultation process. Details concerning PPUs can be found in [Part IV of the Urban Plan] (http://ville.montreal.qc.ca/portal/page?_pageid=2761,142387012&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL). Consult the [interactive map] (http://ville.montreal.qc.ca/portal/page?_pageid=9517,142601883&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL) of the Urban Plan to visualize the PPUs. Finally, note that this data set does not include urban, economic and social development plans (PDUES) because they are not integrated into the Urban Plan. The PDUES is a land planning tool developed by the City of Montreal and the boroughs concerned, in consultation with local actors and citizens. It is a broader planning tool than an urban plan or a special urban planning program (PPU) that include content elements not required by the Land Use and Urban Development Act (LAU) (example: economic and social aspects). Depending on the scale of intervention, it is adopted by resolution by the municipal council or by a borough council. Changes to the urban plan may or may not result from this, depending on the case.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).** 2024-04-04 Government and Municipalities of Québec donneesouvertes@montreal.ca Form DescriptorsNature and EnvironmentScience and Technology Special urban planning programsGEOJSON https://donnees.montreal.ca/dataset/9c5bf3bf-75f4-4e25-aa35-3993a916aec9/resource/7daf3ea2-ee0b-4acd-ac4c-cc3e59b0fb7d/download/ppu.geojson Original metadata (https://www.donneesquebec.ca)HTML https://www.donneesquebec.ca/recherche/fr/dataset/9c5bf3bf-75f4-4e25-aa35-3993a916aec9 Special urban planning programsSHP https://donnees.montreal.ca/dataset/9c5bf3bf-75f4-4e25-aa35-3993a916aec9/resource/274f1496-f3e1-43b4-a056-749526f8497b/download/ppu.zip

The Special Urban Planning Program (PPU) is a component of the Urban Plan that makes it possible to bring more precision to the planning of certain sectors. The adoption of a PPU by the municipal council constitutes an amendment to the Plan and is preceded by a public consultation process. Details concerning PPUs can be found in [Part IV of the Urban Plan] (http://ville.montreal.qc.ca/portal/page?_pageid=2761,142387012&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL). Consult the [interactive map] (http://ville.montreal.qc.ca/portal/page?_pageid=9517,142601883&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL) of the Urban Plan to visualize the PPUs. Finally, note that this data set does not include urban, economic and social development plans (PDUES) because they are not integrated into the Urban Plan. The PDUES is a land planning tool developed by the City of Montreal and the boroughs concerned, in consultation with local actors and citizens. It is a broader planning tool than an urban plan or a special urban planning program (PPU) that include content elements not required by the Land Use and Urban Development Act (LAU) (example: economic and social aspects). Depending on the scale of intervention, it is adopted by resolution by the municipal council or by a borough council. Changes to the urban plan may or may not result from this, depending on the case.This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).

Made available by the Government and Municipalities of Québec

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