Computerized Database of Québec Seabirds (CDQS)

Computerized Database of Québec Seabirds (CDQS) Monitor variations in seabird numbers and colony size in the St. Lawrence system. Survey of over 20 species of seabirds and herons during the breeding season, in order to monitor population dynamics through time and space. Seabird populations are influenced by food abundance and quality. There is actually more than 1,000,000 birds from more than 20 different species that breed in nearly 1,000 active colonies. Plongeon du Pacifique/Pacific Loon/Gavia Pacifica, Plongeon catmarin/Red-throated Loon/Gavia stellata, Macareux moine/Atlantic Puffin/Fratercula arctica, Guillemot à miroir/Black Guillemot/Cepphus grylle, Guillemot marmette/Common Murre/Uria aalge, Guillemot de Brünnich/Thick-billed Murre/Uria lomvia, Petit Pingouin/Razorbill/Alca torda, Mouette tridactyle/Black-legged Kittiwake/Rissa tridactyla, Goéland marin/Great Black-backed Gull/Larus marinus, Goéland argenté/Herring Gull/Larus argentatus, Goéland à bec cerclé/Ring-billed Gull/Larus delawarensis, Mouette rieuse/Common Black-headed Gull/Larus ridibundus, Sterne caspienne/Caspian Tern/Sterna caspia, Sterne pierregarin/Common Tern/Sterna hirundo, Sterne arctique/ArcticTern/Sterna paradisaea, Sterne de Dougall/Roseate Tern/Sterna dougallii, Océanite cul-blanc/Leach's Storm-Petrel/Oceanodroma leucorhoa, Fou de Bassan/Northern Gannet/Morus bassanus, Grand Cormoran/Great Cormorant/Phalacrocorax carbo, Cormoran à aigrettes/Double-crested Cormorant/Phalacrocorax auritus, Eider à duvet/Common Eider/Somateria mollissima, Grand Héron/Great Blue Heron/Ardea herodias, Bihoreau gris/Black-crowned Night-Heron/Nycticorax nycticorax. Allen, R.P. et J.J. Hickey 1940 Progress Report on the Cooperative Gull Survey. Bird-Banding 11-117 Bailey, A.M. 1933 Along Audubon's Labrador Trail. Natural History 33: 638-646 Bédard, J. 1963 Rapport préliminaire sur l'avifaune des Îles Sainte-Marie 91 pp Université Laval Bédard, J. 1969 Histoire naturelle du gode Alca torda, L., dans le golfe Saint-Laurent, province de Québec, Canada, 79 pp. Etude du Service canadien de la faune No 7 Brousseau, P. et G. Chapdelaine 1983 Techniques d'inventaire détaillées utilisées dans le cadre du 12e inventaire des oiseaux marins des refuges de la Côte Nord du golfe du Saint-Laurent, 152 pp Service canadien de la faune.Région du Québec.Rapport inédit Cairns, D.K. 1978 Some aspects of the biology of the Black Guillemot (Cepphus grylle) in the estuary and the Gulf of St.Lawrence, 89 pp Université Laval.Thèse de Maîtrise Canadian National Parks Branch 1925 Official Canadian Record of Birds - Banding Returns. Canadian Field-Naturalist 39: 39-40;119-122;191-193 Canadian National Parks Branch 1926 Official Canadian Record of Birds - Banding Returns. Canadian Field-Naturalist 40: 62-64;106-110;158-164 Canadian National Parks Branch 1927 Official Canadian Record of Birds - Banding Returns. Canadian Field-Naturalist 41: 157-171;191-195 Canadian National Parks Branch 1928 Official Canadian Record of Birds - Banding Returns. Canadian Field-Naturalist 42: 18-24;107-110;151-161 Canadian National Parks Branch 1929 Official Canadian Record of Birds - Banding Returns. Canadian Field-Naturalist 43: 42-46;86-91;138-143 Canadian National Parks Branch 1930 Official Canadian Record of Birds - Banding Returns. Canadian Field-Naturalist 44: 72-76;171-175 Chapdelaine, G. 1977 Inventaire sommaire des archipels des Îles Sainte-Marie,des Îles aux Perroquets, des Îles Mariannes, des Îles Galibois de la Côte - Nord 13 pp Service canadien de la faune.Région du Québec. Manuscrit inédit Chapdelaine, G. 1980 Onzième inventaire et analyse des fluctuations des populations d'oiseaux marins dans les refuges de la Côte-Nord du golfe du Saint-Laurent. Canadian Field-Naturalist 94: 34 -42 Chapdelaine, G. 1995 Fourteenth Census of Seabird Populations in the Sanctuaries of the North Shore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, 1993 Canadian Field - Naturalist 109(2): 220-226 Chapdelaine, G. et P. Brousseau 1991 Thirteenth Census of Seabird Populations in the Sanctuaries of the North Shore of the Gulf of St.Lawrence,1982-1988 Canadian Field-Naturalist 105(1): 60-66 Cleaves, H.H. 1929 In the land of the Eider Nature Magazine 13: 77-83 Erskine, A.J. 1972 The Great Cormorant of eastern Canada, 23 pp Canadian Wildlife Service, Occasional Paper No 14 Gabrielson, I.N. 1952 Notes on the Birds of the North Shore of the Gulf of St.Lawrence. Canadian Field-Naturalist 66: 44-59 Hewitt, O.H. 1950 Fifth census of the non-passerine in the birds sanctuaries of the north shore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence Canadian. Field-Naturalist 64: 73-76 Johnson, R.A. 1935 A New Method of Banding Sea Ducks. Bird-Banding 6: 32 Johnson, R.A. 1938 Predation of Gulls in Murre colonies. Wilson Bulletin 50 3 161-170 Johnson, R.A. 1940 Present range,Migration and Abundance of the Atlantic Murre in North America. Bird-Banding 11: 1-17 Johnson, R.A. 1941 Nesting behavior of the Atlantic Murre Auk 58 2 153-163 Johnson, R.A. et H.S. Johnson 1935 A Study of the Nesting and Family Life of the Red-throated Loon. Wilson Bulletin 47(2): 97-103 Karwowski, K. 1981 Inventaire de la sternière de l'île de l'Ouest, refuge des îles Sainte-Marie, 1 pp Manuscrit inédit Lemieux, L. 1956 Seventh census of non-passerine birds in the birds sanctuaries of the north shore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Canadian Field-Naturalist 70: 183-185 Lewis, H.F. 1922 Notes on some Labrador Birds Auk 39: 507-516 Lewis, H.F. 1925 Notes on birds of the Labrador peninsula in 1923 Auk 42: 74-86 Lewis, H.F. 1928 Notes on birds of the Labrador peninsula in 1927 Auk 45: 227-229 Lewis, H.F. 1931 Notes on birds of the Labrador peninsula in 1930 Canadian Field-Naturalist 45: 113-114 Lewis, H.F. 1931 Five year's progress in the bird sanctuaries of the North Shore of the gulf of St.Lawrence Canadian. Field-Naturalist 45: 73-78 Lewis, H.F. 1934 Notes on Birds of the Labrador Peninsula in 1931, 1932 and 1933 Canadian Field-Naturalist 48: 98-102;115-119 Lewis, H.F. 1934 Returns of Banded Adult European Cormorant to its native colony Bird-Banding 5: 132-133 Lewis, H.F. 1937 A decade of progress in the bird sanctuaries of the North Shore of the Gulf of St.Lawrence. Canadian Field-Naturalist 51: 51-55 Lewis, H.F. 1937 Notes on birds of the Labrador peninsula in 1934 and 1935. Canadian Field-Naturalist 51: 99-105;119-123 Lewis, H.F. 1938 Notes on the birds of the Labrador peninsula in 1936 and 1937. Canadian Field-Naturalist 52: 47-51 Lewis, H.F. 1941 European Cormorants of the North America Auk 58: 360-363 Lewis, H.F. 1942 Fourth census of the non-passerine birds in the bird sanctuaries of the North Shore of the Gulf of St.Lawrence. Canadian Field-Naturalist 56: 5-8 Lincoln, F.C. 1927 Returns from Banded Birds, 1923 to 1926. 95 Technical Bulletin No 32, United States Department of Agriculture, December, 1927 Moisan, G. 1962 Eighth census of non-passerine birds in the bird sanctuaries of the North Shore of the Gulf of St.Lawrence. Canadian Field-Naturalist 76: 78-82 Moisan, G. et R.W. Fyfe 1967 Ninth census of non-passerine birds in the sanctuaries of the North Shore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Canadian Field-Naturalist 81: 67-70 Nettleship, D.N. et A.R. Lock 1973 Tenth census of seabirds in the sanctuaries of the North shore of the Gulf of St.Lawrence. Canadian Field-Naturalist 89: 39-42 Scf 1979 Dossier Service canadien de la faune. Région du Québec Scf 1994 Dossier;notes dans le calepin de notes. Service canadien de la faune. Région du Québec Service canadien de la faune 1999 Dossier Service canadien de la faune. Région du Québec Stearns, W.A. 1890 Bird Life in Labrador, 100 pp Tener, J.S. 1951 Sixth census of the non-passerine birds in the bird sanctuaries of the North Shore of the Gulf of St.Lawrence. Canadian Field-Naturalist 65: 65-68 Todd, W.E.C. 1963 Birds of the Labrador Peninsula and Adjacent Areas 819 pp University of Toronto Press.Toronto. 2017-05-29 Environment and Climate Change Canada Nature and EnvironmentScience and TechnologyBiological ClassificationAnimals/VertebratesBirdsEarth ScienceAlbatrosses/Petrels and AlliesHerons/Egrets and AlliesWaders/Gulls/Auks and AlliesDucks/Geese/Swans View EC Data Mart (English)HTML View EC Data Mart (French)HTML CDQS_BIOMQ_2017.csvCSV

Monitor variations in seabird numbers and colony size in the St. Lawrence system. Survey of over 20 species of seabirds and herons during the breeding season, in order to monitor population dynamics through time and space. Seabird populations are influenced by food abundance and quality. There is actually more than 1,000,000 birds from more than 20 different species that breed in nearly 1,000 active colonies. Plongeon du Pacifique/Pacific Loon/Gavia Pacifica, Plongeon catmarin/Red-throated Loon/Gavia stellata, Macareux moine/Atlantic Puffin/Fratercula arctica, Guillemot à miroir/Black Guillemot/Cepphus grylle, Guillemot marmette/Common Murre/Uria aalge, Guillemot de Brünnich/Thick-billed Murre/Uria lomvia, Petit Pingouin/Razorbill/Alca torda, Mouette tridactyle/Black-legged Kittiwake/Rissa tridactyla, Goéland marin/Great Black-backed Gull/Larus marinus, Goéland argenté/Herring Gull/Larus argentatus, Goéland à bec cerclé/Ring-billed Gull/Larus delawarensis, Mouette rieuse/Common Black-headed Gull/Larus ridibundus, Sterne caspienne/Caspian Tern/Sterna caspia, Sterne pierregarin/Common Tern/Sterna hirundo, Sterne arctique/ArcticTern/Sterna paradisaea, Sterne de Dougall/Roseate Tern/Sterna dougallii, Océanite cul-blanc/Leach's Storm-Petrel/Oceanodroma leucorhoa, Fou de Bassan/Northern Gannet/Morus bassanus, Grand Cormoran/Great Cormorant/Phalacrocorax carbo, Cormoran à aigrettes/Double-crested Cormorant/Phalacrocorax auritus, Eider à duvet/Common Eider/Somateria mollissima, Grand Héron/Great Blue Heron/Ardea herodias, Bihoreau gris/Black-crowned Night-Heron/Nycticorax nycticorax.

Allen, R.P. et J.J. Hickey 1940 Progress Report on the Cooperative Gull Survey. Bird-Banding 11-117 Bailey, A.M. 1933 Along Audubon's Labrador Trail. Natural History 33: 638-646 Bédard, J. 1963 Rapport préliminaire sur l'avifaune des Îles Sainte-Marie 91 pp Université Laval Bédard, J. 1969 Histoire naturelle du gode Alca torda, L., dans le golfe Saint-Laurent, province de Québec, Canada, 79 pp. Etude du Service canadien de la faune No 7 Brousseau, P. et G. Chapdelaine 1983 Techniques d'inventaire détaillées utilisées dans le cadre du 12e inventaire des oiseaux marins des refuges de la Côte Nord du golfe du Saint-Laurent, 152 pp Service canadien de la faune.Région du Québec.Rapport inédit Cairns, D.K. 1978 Some aspects of the biology of the Black Guillemot (Cepphus grylle) in the estuary and the Gulf of St.Lawrence, 89 pp Université Laval.Thèse de Maîtrise Canadian National Parks Branch 1925 Official Canadian Record of Birds - Banding Returns. Canadian Field-Naturalist 39: 39-40;119-122;191-193 Canadian National Parks Branch 1926 Official Canadian Record of Birds - Banding Returns. Canadian Field-Naturalist 40: 62-64;106-110;158-164 Canadian National Parks Branch 1927 Official Canadian Record of Birds - Banding Returns. Canadian Field-Naturalist 41: 157-171;191-195 Canadian National Parks Branch 1928 Official Canadian Record of Birds - Banding Returns. Canadian Field-Naturalist 42: 18-24;107-110;151-161 Canadian National Parks Branch 1929 Official Canadian Record of Birds - Banding Returns. Canadian Field-Naturalist 43: 42-46;86-91;138-143 Canadian National Parks Branch 1930 Official Canadian Record of Birds - Banding Returns. Canadian Field-Naturalist 44: 72-76;171-175 Chapdelaine, G. 1977 Inventaire sommaire des archipels des Îles Sainte-Marie,des Îles aux Perroquets, des Îles Mariannes, des Îles Galibois de la Côte - Nord 13 pp Service canadien de la faune.Région du Québec. Manuscrit inédit Chapdelaine, G. 1980 Onzième inventaire et analyse des fluctuations des populations d'oiseaux marins dans les refuges de la Côte-Nord du golfe du Saint-Laurent. Canadian Field-Naturalist 94: 34 -42 Chapdelaine, G. 1995 Fourteenth Census of Seabird Populations in the Sanctuaries of the North Shore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, 1993 Canadian Field - Naturalist 109(2): 220-226 Chapdelaine, G. et P. Brousseau 1991 Thirteenth Census of Seabird Populations in the Sanctuaries of the North Shore of the Gulf of St.Lawrence,1982-1988 Canadian Field-Naturalist 105(1): 60-66 Cleaves, H.H. 1929 In the land of the Eider Nature Magazine 13: 77-83 Erskine, A.J. 1972 The Great Cormorant of eastern Canada, 23 pp Canadian Wildlife Service, Occasional Paper No 14 Gabrielson, I.N. 1952 Notes on the Birds of the North Shore of the Gulf of St.Lawrence. Canadian Field-Naturalist 66: 44-59 Hewitt, O.H. 1950 Fifth census of the non-passerine in the birds sanctuaries of the north shore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence Canadian. Field-Naturalist 64: 73-76 Johnson, R.A. 1935 A New Method of Banding Sea Ducks. Bird-Banding 6: 32 Johnson, R.A. 1938 Predation of Gulls in Murre colonies. Wilson Bulletin 50 3 161-170 Johnson, R.A. 1940 Present range,Migration and Abundance of the Atlantic Murre in North America. Bird-Banding 11: 1-17 Johnson, R.A. 1941 Nesting behavior of the Atlantic Murre Auk 58 2 153-163 Johnson, R.A. et H.S. Johnson 1935 A Study of the Nesting and Family Life of the Red-throated Loon. Wilson Bulletin 47(2): 97-103 Karwowski, K. 1981 Inventaire de la sternière de l'île de l'Ouest, refuge des îles Sainte-Marie, 1 pp Manuscrit inédit Lemieux, L. 1956 Seventh census of non-passerine birds in the birds sanctuaries of the north shore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Canadian Field-Naturalist 70: 183-185 Lewis, H.F. 1922 Notes on some Labrador Birds Auk 39: 507-516 Lewis, H.F. 1925 Notes on birds of the Labrador peninsula in 1923 Auk 42: 74-86 Lewis, H.F. 1928 Notes on birds of the Labrador peninsula in 1927 Auk 45: 227-229 Lewis, H.F. 1931 Notes on birds of the Labrador peninsula in 1930 Canadian Field-Naturalist 45: 113-114 Lewis, H.F. 1931 Five year's progress in the bird sanctuaries of the North Shore of the gulf of St.Lawrence Canadian. Field-Naturalist 45: 73-78 Lewis, H.F. 1934 Notes on Birds of the Labrador Peninsula in 1931, 1932 and 1933 Canadian Field-Naturalist 48: 98-102;115-119 Lewis, H.F. 1934 Returns of Banded Adult European Cormorant to its native colony Bird-Banding 5: 132-133 Lewis, H.F. 1937 A decade of progress in the bird sanctuaries of the North Shore of the Gulf of St.Lawrence. Canadian Field-Naturalist 51: 51-55 Lewis, H.F. 1937 Notes on birds of the Labrador peninsula in 1934 and 1935. Canadian Field-Naturalist 51: 99-105;119-123 Lewis, H.F. 1938 Notes on the birds of the Labrador peninsula in 1936 and 1937. Canadian Field-Naturalist 52: 47-51 Lewis, H.F. 1941 European Cormorants of the North America Auk 58: 360-363 Lewis, H.F. 1942 Fourth census of the non-passerine birds in the bird sanctuaries of the North Shore of the Gulf of St.Lawrence. Canadian Field-Naturalist 56: 5-8 Lincoln, F.C. 1927 Returns from Banded Birds, 1923 to 1926. 95 Technical Bulletin No 32, United States Department of Agriculture, December, 1927 Moisan, G. 1962 Eighth census of non-passerine birds in the bird sanctuaries of the North Shore of the Gulf of St.Lawrence. Canadian Field-Naturalist 76: 78-82 Moisan, G. et R.W. Fyfe 1967 Ninth census of non-passerine birds in the sanctuaries of the North Shore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Canadian Field-Naturalist 81: 67-70 Nettleship, D.N. et A.R. Lock 1973 Tenth census of seabirds in the sanctuaries of the North shore of the Gulf of St.Lawrence. Canadian Field-Naturalist 89: 39-42 Scf 1979 Dossier Service canadien de la faune. Région du Québec Scf 1994 Dossier;notes dans le calepin de notes. Service canadien de la faune. Région du Québec Service canadien de la faune 1999 Dossier Service canadien de la faune. Région du Québec Stearns, W.A. 1890 Bird Life in Labrador, 100 pp Tener, J.S. 1951 Sixth census of the non-passerine birds in the bird sanctuaries of the North Shore of the Gulf of St.Lawrence. Canadian Field-Naturalist 65: 65-68 Todd, W.E.C. 1963 Birds of the Labrador Peninsula and Adjacent Areas 819 pp University of Toronto Press.Toronto.

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