Temporal changes in human pressures and wetland response in the St. Lawrence River

Temporal changes in human pressures and wetland response in the St. Lawrence River Temporal changes (1970–2016) in St. Lawrence River wetlands were assessed between Cornwall and Québec to assess wetland response to cumulative anthropogenic pressures in the watershed. Emergent wetlands area and biomass of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) were contrasted among five regions subjected to sharply different water level/discharge regime (stabilized, semi-natural, tidal), nutrient concentrations and shoreline use (rural to urbanized). Between 1970 and 2016, over the growing season, St. Lawrence River mean water level have dropped and mean water temperature increased. Reductions in phosphorus concentrations were observed over time both in water and in SAV tissues, in phase with improvements of urban wastewater treatment and phosphorus reduction in upstream Lake Ontario. Nitrate concentrations in water increased and SAV biomass decreased between the 1970s and 2008 in the downstream regions of Lake Saint-Pierre and fluvial corridor subjected to the cumulative impacts from urban centers and intensively farmed watersheds. Over the 1970–2010 period, dropping water levels yielded slightly increasing wetland areas, owing to the downslope colonization of emergent and submerged plants. In urbanized regions, emergent wetlands shifted towards drier assemblages dominated by invasive reed species. Encroachment of wetlands by agriculture accounted for most wetland losses in rural Lake Saint-Pierre, which holds the single largest area of continuous wetland habitat of the entire watershed. The results highlight the strong response of riverine wetlands to a wide range of human pressures, including dropping water levels, changing nutrient concentrations, rising population and intensifying agriculture. Supplemental Information The St. Lawrence Action Plan (SLAP) 2011 to 2026 (see https://www.planstlaurent.qc.ca/en/) is the latest Canada-Quebec Agreement on the St. Lawrence and builds on the four previous agreements implemented since 1988. For more information on SLAP, please visit https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/environmental-funding/ecosystem-initiatives/st-lawrence-action-plan.html Supporting Projects: St. Lawrence Action Plan (SLAP) 2024-06-11 Environment and Climate Change Canada DRCADonneesOuvertes-ACRDOpenData@ec.gc.ca Nature and EnvironmentEnvironmentAll applicable data contentsubmerged aquatic vegetation (SAV)macrophyteswetlandsnitrogen depletionphosphoruswater levelSt. Lawrence Action Plan (SLAP) Scientific Publication - Temporal (1970–2016) changes in human pressures and wetland response in the St. Lawrence River (Québec, Canada)HTML https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.06.080 Scientific Publication - Spatial Analysis of Production by Macrophytes, Phytoplankton and Epiphyton in a Large River System under Different Water-Level ConditionsHTML https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10021-007-9021-3 SLAP_MacrophyteBiomass_EN_FR.csvCSV https://data-donnees.ec.gc.ca/data/substances/monitor/temporal-changes-in-human-pressures-and-wetland-response-in-the-st.-lawrence-river/SLAP_MacrophyteBiomass_EN_FR.csv SLAP_MacrophyteBiomass2000-2001_EN_FR.csvCSV https://data-donnees.ec.gc.ca/data/substances/monitor/temporal-changes-in-human-pressures-and-wetland-response-in-the-st.-lawrence-river/SLAP_MacrophyteBiomass2000-2001_EN_FR.csv SLAP_MacrophyteBiomass2001-2001_InSitu_EN_FR.csvCSV https://data-donnees.ec.gc.ca/data/substances/monitor/temporal-changes-in-human-pressures-and-wetland-response-in-the-st.-lawrence-river/SLAP_MacrophyteBiomass2001-2001_InSitu_EN_FR.csv Scientific Publication - Physical variables driving epiphytic algal biomass in a dense macrophyte bed of the St. Lawrence River (Quebec, Canada)HTML https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10750-004-1318-z Scientific Publication - Shift in wetland plant composition and biomass following low-level episodes in the St. Lawrence River: looking into the futureHTML https://doi.org/10.1139/f04-031 SLAP_SAVBiomass1999-2016_InSitu_EN_FR.csvCSV https://data-donnees.ec.gc.ca/data/substances/monitor/temporal-changes-in-human-pressures-and-wetland-response-in-the-st.-lawrence-river/SLAP_SAVBiomass1999-2016_InSitu_EN_FR.csv SLAP_SAVBiomass2012-2016_ChimieTissue_EN_FR.csvCSV https://data-donnees.ec.gc.ca/data/substances/monitor/temporal-changes-in-human-pressures-and-wetland-response-in-the-st.-lawrence-river/SLAP_SAVBiomass2012-2016_ChimieTissue_EN_FR.csv SLAP_SAVBiomass2016_EN_FR.csvCSV https://data-donnees.ec.gc.ca/data/substances/monitor/temporal-changes-in-human-pressures-and-wetland-response-in-the-st.-lawrence-river/SLAP_SAVBiomass2016_EN_FR.csv SLAP_SAVBiomass2012-2016_InSitu_EN_FR.csvCSV https://data-donnees.ec.gc.ca/data/substances/monitor/temporal-changes-in-human-pressures-and-wetland-response-in-the-st.-lawrence-river/SLAP_SAVBiomass2012-2016_InSitu_EN_FR.csv SLAP_SAVBiomass2012-2016_ChimieEau_EN_FR.csvCSV https://data-donnees.ec.gc.ca/data/substances/monitor/temporal-changes-in-human-pressures-and-wetland-response-in-the-st.-lawrence-river/SLAP_SAVBiomass2012-2016_ChimieEau_EN_FR.csv View ECCC Data Mart (English)HTML https://data-donnees.ec.gc.ca/data/substances/monitor/temporal-changes-in-human-pressures-and-wetland-response-in-the-st.-lawrence-river/ View ECCC Data Mart (French)HTML https://data-donnees.ec.gc.ca/data/substances/monitor/temporal-changes-in-human-pressures-and-wetland-response-in-the-st.-lawrence-river/?lang=fr

Temporal changes (1970–2016) in St. Lawrence River wetlands were assessed between Cornwall and Québec to assess wetland response to cumulative anthropogenic pressures in the watershed. Emergent wetlands area and biomass of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) were contrasted among five regions subjected to sharply different water level/discharge regime (stabilized, semi-natural, tidal), nutrient concentrations and shoreline use (rural to urbanized). Between 1970 and 2016, over the growing season, St. Lawrence River mean water level have dropped and mean water temperature increased. Reductions in phosphorus concentrations were observed over time both in water and in SAV tissues, in phase with improvements of urban wastewater treatment and phosphorus reduction in upstream Lake Ontario. Nitrate concentrations in water increased and SAV biomass decreased between the 1970s and 2008 in the downstream regions of Lake Saint-Pierre and fluvial corridor subjected to the cumulative impacts from urban centers and intensively farmed watersheds. Over the 1970–2010 period, dropping water levels yielded slightly increasing wetland areas, owing to the downslope colonization of emergent and submerged plants. In urbanized regions, emergent wetlands shifted towards drier assemblages dominated by invasive reed species. Encroachment of wetlands by agriculture accounted for most wetland losses in rural Lake Saint-Pierre, which holds the single largest area of continuous wetland habitat of the entire watershed. The results highlight the strong response of riverine wetlands to a wide range of human pressures, including dropping water levels, changing nutrient concentrations, rising population and intensifying agriculture.

Supplemental Information

The St. Lawrence Action Plan (SLAP) 2011 to 2026 (see https://www.planstlaurent.qc.ca/en/) is the latest Canada-Quebec Agreement on the St. Lawrence and builds on the four previous agreements implemented since 1988.

For more information on SLAP, please visit https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/environmental-funding/ecosystem-initiatives/st-lawrence-action-plan.html

Supporting Projects:

St. Lawrence Action Plan (SLAP)

Data and Resources

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