Food Microbiology - Targeted Surveys - Final Report - Bacterial Pathogens and Indicators in Ready-to-Eat Dried Powdered Spices - April 1, 2018 to March 31, 2021

Food Microbiology - Targeted Surveys - Final Report - Bacterial Pathogens and Indicators in Ready-to-Eat Dried Powdered Spices - April 1, 2018 to March 31, 2021 ​Over 99.9% of the 1762 samples of ready-to-eat dried powdered spices tested for bacterial pathogens and indicators were satisfactory. 2022-10-18 Canadian Food Inspection Agency Science and TechnologyCanadian Food Inspection AgencyFood safetyReady-to-Eat Dried Powdered SpicesFood microbiologyTargeted surveyRetailPrevalenceCanadaPathogenSalmonellaGeneric Escherichia coliBacillus cereusClostridium perfringensStaphylococcus aureus Food Microbiology - Targeted Surveys - Final Report - Bacterial Pathogens and Indicators in Ready-to-Eat Dried Powdered Spices - April 1, 2018 to March 31, 2021CSV

​Over 99.9% of the 1762 samples of ready-to-eat dried powdered spices tested for bacterial pathogens and indicators were satisfactory.

  • Publisher - Current Organization Name: Canadian Food Inspection Agency
  • Publisher - Organization Section Name: Science
  • Licence: Open Government Licence - Canada

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