Forestry group

Forestry group Forest groups accredited by regional private forest development agencies deliver the Private Forest Development Assistance Program (PAMVFP) by offering forest management services to forest producers in exclusive territories. For more information about the PAMVFP, consult the Financial Assistance to Develop Your Woodlot | Gouvernment du Québec ( page. This data comes from the MRNF STF system, the __official source__ of this geographic information. The organization Groupements Forestiers Québec (GFQ), formerly RESAM, collaborates with the MRNF to keep this information up to date. For more information on private forest partners:**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).** 2024-04-04 Government and Municipalities of Québec Form DescriptorsNature and EnvironmentScience and Technology Forestry groupCSV Forestry groupFGDB/GDB Forestry groupGPKG Open forestHTML¢er=-75.50839,47.49878&invisiblelayers=*&visiblelayers=c3ffa51ead8e4d325ef2dbb587b9d5e2,61256637f178e3a21ddfbcf7818ae685,1da64ddfeaf23710b8a9ad95133fb5d8 Original metadata ( Forestry groupPDF Procedures for adding a web servicePDF Forestry groupSHP Territorial forest subdivisions (STF)other

Forest groups accredited by regional private forest development agencies deliver the Private Forest Development Assistance Program (PAMVFP) by offering forest management services to forest producers in exclusive territories. For more information about the PAMVFP, consult the Financial Assistance to Develop Your Woodlot | Gouvernment du Québec ( page. This data comes from the MRNF STF system, the official source of this geographic information. The organization Groupements Forestiers Québec (GFQ), formerly RESAM, collaborates with the MRNF to keep this information up to date. For more information on private forest partners: third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).

Made available by the Government and Municipalities of Québec

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