Study establishing Canada's ranking in the citation score of Canadian space-related publications in relation to OECD countries

Study establishing Canada's ranking in the citation score of Canadian space-related publications in relation to OECD countries A study was conducted for the Canadian Space Agency by the Science and Technology Observatory (STO). This study presents notwithstanding statistical data on Canadian scientific publications in the OECD, as well as data on Canadian publications by scientific subdomains. In particular, it established Canada's ranking relative to OECD countries in terms of citation score for Canadian space-related publications. The period studied was from 2010 to 2016 and the bibliometric data sources, compiled on an annual basis, come from Web of Science. The data made available concern: - Publications on space by OECD countries - Health and life sciences in space publications - Astronomy publications - Planetary exploration publications - Atmospheric science publications - Earth Surface Sciences publications - Solar-terrestrial sciences publications - Development and engineering of space technologies publications 2022-04-13 Canadian Space Agency Education and TrainingGovernment and PoliticsInformation and CommunicationsSociety and CultureScience and TechnologyPublicationsscientific Publlications in the Subfield of Space Technology Development and Engineering by Country (2011-2017)CSV Publlications in the Subfield of Astronomy by Country (2011-2017)CSV Publlications in Space Sciences by Country (2011-2017)CSV Publlications in the Subfield of Space Health and Life Science by Country (2011-2017)CSV Publlications in the Subfield of Solar-Terrestrial Science by Country (2011-2017)CSV Publlications in the Subfield of Planetary Exploration by Country (2011-2017) CSV Publlications in the Subfield of Atmospheric Science by Country (2011-2017)CSV Publlications in the Subfield of Earth Surface Science by Country (2011-2017)CSV

A study was conducted for the Canadian Space Agency by the Science and Technology Observatory (STO). This study presents notwithstanding statistical data on Canadian scientific publications in the OECD, as well as data on Canadian publications by scientific subdomains. In particular, it established Canada's ranking relative to OECD countries in terms of citation score for Canadian space-related publications.

The period studied was from 2010 to 2016 and the bibliometric data sources, compiled on an annual basis, come from Web of Science. The data made available concern: - Publications on space by OECD countries - Health and life sciences in space publications - Astronomy publications - Planetary exploration publications - Atmospheric science publications - Earth Surface Sciences publications - Solar-terrestrial sciences publications - Development and engineering of space technologies publications

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