Air occurrence data from January 1995 to present

Air occurrence data from January 1995 to present With a view to advancing transportation safety, the TSB is publishing from its Aviation Safety Information System (ASIS) on reportable accidents and incidents (which together are called occurrences) for use by industry and the public. Accidents and incidents are reported in accordance with the TSB Regulations that were in effect at the time of the occurrence. The data provided in the air data file is described in the accompanying data dictionary. The ASIS datasets are released on or soon after the 15th of each month, and contain data from January 1995 to the last day of the month preceding their release. As many occurrences are not formally investigated by the TSB, information pertaining to some occurrences may not have been validated. Consequently, these datasets are provided on an as-is basis, and the TSB does not warrant their quality, accuracy, reliability or completeness. 2024-05-18 Transportation Safety Board of Canada TransportAviationStatisticsAccidentincident OccurrenceCSV OccurrenceCSV AircraftCSV AircraftCSV InjuriesCSV InjuriesCSV Events and phasesCSV Events and phasesCSV SurvivabilityCSV SurvivabilityCSV Data dictionaryCSV Data dictionaryCSV

With a view to advancing transportation safety, the TSB is publishing from its Aviation Safety Information System (ASIS) on reportable accidents and incidents (which together are called occurrences) for use by industry and the public. Accidents and incidents are reported in accordance with the TSB Regulations that were in effect at the time of the occurrence. The data provided in the air data file is described in the accompanying data dictionary. The ASIS datasets are released on or soon after the 15th of each month, and contain data from January 1995 to the last day of the month preceding their release. As many occurrences are not formally investigated by the TSB, information pertaining to some occurrences may not have been validated. Consequently, these datasets are provided on an as-is basis, and the TSB does not warrant their quality, accuracy, reliability or completeness.

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