Provincially licensed meat plants

Provincially licensed meat plants This data identifies all provincially licensed abattoirs, abattoirs that conduct further processing, freestanding meat plants, and plants that specialize in the slaughter of the following animals across the province of Ontario: * alpaca, llama * beef * buffalo, yak * deer, elk * emus, ostrich, rhea * goats, lamb, sheep * pigs * veal, light calves * chicken, fowl * ducks, geese * fancy poultry * rabbits * turkey A map showing all provincially licensed meat plants in Ontario is also [available]( For more information on meat inspection in Ontario, please visit the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affair’s [website]( Each dataset contains the following data: * plant name * plant number * contact information * latitude and longitude coordinates * animal class 2024-06-17 Government of Ontario Economics and Industrymeat plantabattoirfree standing meat plantanimal classmapGovernment information All AbattoirsCSV Abattoirs Conducting Further ProcessingCSV Alpaca, LlamaCSV BeefCSV Buffalo, YakCSV Deer, ElkCSV Emus, Ostrich, RheaCSV Goats, Lamb, SheepCSV PigsCSV Veal, Light CalvesCSV Chicken, FowlCSV Ducks, GeeseCSV Fancy PoultryCSV RabbitsCSV TurkeyCSV Freestanding Meat PlantsCSV Provincially Licensed Meat PlantsCSV Original metadata ( Original metadata (

This data identifies all provincially licensed abattoirs, abattoirs that conduct further processing, freestanding meat plants, and plants that specialize in the slaughter of the following animals across the province of Ontario: * alpaca, llama * beef * buffalo, yak * deer, elk * emus, ostrich, rhea * goats, lamb, sheep * pigs * veal, light calves * chicken, fowl * ducks, geese * fancy poultry * rabbits * turkey A map showing all provincially licensed meat plants in Ontario is also available. For more information on meat inspection in Ontario, please visit the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affair’s website. Each dataset contains the following data: * plant name * plant number * contact information * latitude and longitude coordinates * animal class

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