Manitoba Commercial Fishing Industry Application

Manitoba Commercial Fishing Industry Application An interactive web application illustrating the locations of commercial fisheries, commercial fish species production (kg) for the 2016 calendar year. This interactive web application shows the locations of commercial fisheries and commercial fish species production (kg) in Manitoba, by community. It names the communities involved in the industry, shows the number of fishers by community and also shows the location of packing sheds across Manitoba. For each location, pop ups provides additional information, including the round weight (kg) by species for the 2016 calendar year. This application is populated by the web map: Manitoba Commercial Fishing Industry Map. 2024-03-27 Government of Manitoba Nature and EnvironmentManitobaManitoba GovernmentProvince of ManitobaFisheriesSustainable DevelopmentWildlifeFishingGovernment information original metadata ( ArcGIS GeoServiceHTML

An interactive web application illustrating the locations of commercial fisheries, commercial fish species production (kg) for the 2016 calendar year.

This interactive web application shows the locations of commercial fisheries and commercial fish species production (kg) in Manitoba, by community. It names the communities involved in the industry, shows the number of fishers by community and also shows the location of packing sheds across Manitoba. For each location, pop ups provides additional information, including the round weight (kg) by species for the 2016 calendar year. This application is populated by the web map: Manitoba Commercial Fishing Industry Map.

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