Ecological Integrity of National Parks

Ecological Integrity of National Parks Ecosystems present ecological integrity when their native species and communities, landscapes and functions are intact and likely to persist. The ecological integrity of national parks is assessed by monitoring major park ecosystems, such as forest, freshwater and wetlands. It is a key measure of the condition of our national parks. The Ecological integrity of national parks indicator summarizes the state (good, fair, poor) and trend (improving, stable, declining) of ecosystems within national parks. Complete methods information is available from the Protected Areas Establishment and Conservation Directorate, Parks Canada. Further information is available on the Environmental Indicators website ( 2023-11-29 Parks Canada Nature and EnvironmentNational parksecological integrityecological monitoring Ecological Integrity of National Parks 2018CSV Ecological Integrity of National Parks 2018CSV Ecological Integrity of National Parks 2021-2022CSV Ecological Integrity of National Parks 2021-2022CSV

Ecosystems present ecological integrity when their native species and communities, landscapes and functions are intact and likely to persist. The ecological integrity of national parks is assessed by monitoring major park ecosystems, such as forest, freshwater and wetlands. It is a key measure of the condition of our national parks. The Ecological integrity of national parks indicator summarizes the state (good, fair, poor) and trend (improving, stable, declining) of ecosystems within national parks. Complete methods information is available from the Protected Areas Establishment and Conservation Directorate, Parks Canada. Further information is available on the Environmental Indicators website (

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