Urban agriculture: survey of the population of Montreal Island

Urban agriculture: survey of the population of Montreal Island The Sustainable Development Division of the City of Montreal has commissioned the firm Bureau d'Intervieweurs Professionaux (BIP) to conduct a survey of the population of the Island of Montreal on urban agriculture. In this context, urban agriculture is understood as food production in urban areas. The purpose of the survey was to: - Measure the proportion of Montrealers who practice urban agriculture; - To know, among urban farmers, what proportion practices urban agriculture in the following places: balcony, backyard, facade or side of a building, alleyway, community garden or collective garden. - Measure the proportion of Montrealers who implement good practices: composting, pesticide control, rainwater recovery, redistribution of excess seedlings or crops, etc.; - Know the reasons why some households do not practice urban agriculture. 2024-01-10 Government and Municipalities of Québec donneesouvertes@montreal.ca AgricultureGovernment and Politics Data visualizationHTML https://vuesurlesdonnees.montreal.ca/pub/sense/app/40befce2-c470-48bb-b678-1d57876707a0/sheet/SH01/state/analysis Urban Agriculture, 2013 Survey - DataCSV https://donnees.montreal.ca/dataset/ac48914c-8e75-4fc3-b93f-1d3f169ae1ff/resource/8aca9011-2673-4b6c-b0cd-c7fc2ff43dc6/download/au-vdm-donnees-20130829.csv Urban Agriculture, 2013 Survey - Final Gross FrequenciesDOCX https://donnees.montreal.ca/dataset/ac48914c-8e75-4fc3-b93f-1d3f169ae1ff/resource/f36cd957-9d8a-4974-a2c8-9f7f72ebb3f8/download/au_vdm_frequences_brutes_finales_20130829.docx Urban Agriculture, 2013 Survey - Executive SummaryDOCX https://donnees.montreal.ca/dataset/ac48914c-8e75-4fc3-b93f-1d3f169ae1ff/resource/e25c752c-c7d1-4a30-b969-1fb6b896f2ab/download/au_vdm_sommaire_executif_20130905.docx Urban agriculture, 2013 survey - Weighted cross tablesDOCX https://donnees.montreal.ca/dataset/ac48914c-8e75-4fc3-b93f-1d3f169ae1ff/resource/1bc8f41b-ccb5-4ef6-8f58-1b611f354864/download/au_vdm_tableaux_croises_ponderes_20130829.docx Original metadata (https://www.donneesquebec.ca)HTML https://www.donneesquebec.ca/recherche/fr/dataset/ac48914c-8e75-4fc3-b93f-1d3f169ae1ff

The Sustainable Development Division of the City of Montreal has commissioned the firm Bureau d'Intervieweurs Professionaux (BIP) to conduct a survey of the population of the Island of Montreal on urban agriculture. In this context, urban agriculture is understood as food production in urban areas. The purpose of the survey was to: - Measure the proportion of Montrealers who practice urban agriculture; - To know, among urban farmers, what proportion practices urban agriculture in the following places: balcony, backyard, facade or side of a building, alleyway, community garden or collective garden. - Measure the proportion of Montrealers who implement good practices: composting, pesticide control, rainwater recovery, redistribution of excess seedlings or crops, etc.; - Know the reasons why some households do not practice urban agriculture.

Made available by the Government and Municipalities of Québec

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