Seedling Regeneration - Thousand Islands

Seedling Regeneration - Thousand Islands TINP evaluates seedling and sapling density within 5 subplots of the 20m x 20m EMAN forest plots in August each year. Plots are rotated every 5 years (6 plots/year) and are monitored according to term Ecological Monitoring and Assessment Network (EMAN) Protocols and Standards. 2024-04-14 Parks Canada Nature and EnvironmentEMANRegenerationSeedlingsSaplingsForestsThousand IslandsOntario Seedling Regeneration - Thousand Islands - DataCSV Seedling Regeneration - Thousand Islands - Data DictionaryCSV

TINP evaluates seedling and sapling density within 5 subplots of the 20m x 20m EMAN forest plots in August each year. Plots are rotated every 5 years (6 plots/year) and are monitored according to term Ecological Monitoring and Assessment Network (EMAN) Protocols and Standards.

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