Number of students in official languages programs, private or independent elementary and secondary schools, by program type, grade and sex

Number of students in official languages programs, private or independent elementary and secondary schools, by program type, grade and sex Enrolments in regular second language programs (or core language programs), French immersion programs, and education programs in the minority official language offered in private or independent elementary and secondary schools, by type of program, grade and sex.<br> 2023-10-26 Statistics Canada Education and TrainingLanguage and Linguisticseducation training and learningelementary and secondary educationenrolments and attendance elementary and secondaryknowledge of languageslanguagesofficial languages and english-french bilingualismtable DatasetCSV DatasetCSV DatasetXML Supporting DocumentHTML Supporting DocumentHTML

Enrolments in regular second language programs (or core language programs), French immersion programs, and education programs in the minority official language offered in private or independent elementary and secondary schools, by type of program, grade and sex.

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