[ARCHIVED] Taxfiler Data by Economic Region Composition of Total Income

[ARCHIVED] Taxfiler Data by Economic Region Composition of Total Income [ARCHIVED] Community Counts data is retained for archival purposes only, such as research, reference and record-keeping. This data has not been maintained or updated. Users looking for the latest information should refer to Statistics Canada’s Census Program (https://www12.statcan.gc.ca/census-recensement/index-eng.cfm?MM=1) for the latest data, including detailed results about Nova Scotia. This table reports the composition of income as reported on tax filings, by age and sex. Geography available: economic regions 2024-07-24 Government of Nova Scotia Economics and Industrycommunity countstaxesincomeeconomic regions Nova Scotia original metadata (https://data.novascotia.ca)HTML https://data.novascotia.ca/datasets/fjh5-mp5b [ARCHIVED] Taxfiler Data by Economic Region Composition of Total Income (CSV)CSV https://data.novascotia.ca/api/views/fjh5-mp5b/rows.csv?accessType=DOWNLOAD [ARCHIVED] Taxfiler Data by Economic Region Composition of Total Income (CSV Excel)CSV https://data.novascotia.ca/api/views/fjh5-mp5b/rows.csv?accessType=DOWNLOAD&bom=true&format=true [ARCHIVED] Taxfiler Data by Economic Region Composition of Total Income (CSV Excel (EU))CSV https://data.novascotia.ca/api/views/fjh5-mp5b/rows.csv?accessType=DOWNLOAD&bom=true&format=true&delimiter=%3B [ARCHIVED] Taxfiler Data by Economic Region Composition of Total Income (TSV)other https://data.novascotia.ca/api/views/fjh5-mp5b/rows.tsv?accessType=DOWNLOAD&bom=true&format=true&delimiter=%3B [ARCHIVED] Taxfiler Data by Economic Region Composition of Total Income (RDF)RDF https://data.novascotia.ca/api/views/fjh5-mp5b/rows.rdf?accessType=DOWNLOAD [ARCHIVED] Taxfiler Data by Economic Region Composition of Total Income (RSS)RSS https://data.novascotia.ca/api/views/fjh5-mp5b/rows.rss?accessType=DOWNLOAD [ARCHIVED] Taxfiler Data by Economic Region Composition of Total Income (XML)XML https://data.novascotia.ca/api/views/fjh5-mp5b/rows.xml?accessType=DOWNLOAD

[ARCHIVED] Community Counts data is retained for archival purposes only, such as research, reference and record-keeping. This data has not been maintained or updated. Users looking for the latest information should refer to Statistics Canada’s Census Program (https://www12.statcan.gc.ca/census-recensement/index-eng.cfm?MM=1) for the latest data, including detailed results about Nova Scotia. This table reports the composition of income as reported on tax filings, by age and sex. Geography available: economic regions

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