Escalating Enforcement

Escalating Enforcement Displays the levels of escalating enforcement applied by health officers to enforce the Manitoba Food and Food Handling Establishment Regulations when food safety violations are not corrected in the prescribed period of time This dashboard displays the frequency in which health officers applied escalating levels of enforcement to food processors who did not correct food safety violations in the prescribed amount of time indicated in the inspection. The dashboard explains that food processors are given a period of time to correct food safety violations based on the associated risk to food safety. Escalating enforcement is only applied if the violation is not corrected in the prescribed period of time. This dashboard was created by the Food Safety and Inspection Branch - Manitoba Agriculture. Field descriptions: Escalating Enforcement 2024-06-05 Government of Manitoba AgricultureEscalating EnforcementViolationsFood SafetyEnforcementManitobaManitoba GovernmentProvince of ManitobaPublicCanadaAgricultureTop ViolationsOpen Data original metadata (

Displays the levels of escalating enforcement applied by health officers to enforce the Manitoba Food and Food Handling Establishment Regulations when food safety violations are not corrected in the prescribed period of time

This dashboard displays the frequency in which health officers applied escalating levels of enforcement to food processors who did not correct food safety violations in the prescribed amount of time indicated in the inspection. The dashboard explains that food processors are given a period of time to correct food safety violations based on the associated risk to food safety. Escalating enforcement is only applied if the violation is not corrected in the prescribed period of time. This dashboard was created by the Food Safety and Inspection Branch - Manitoba Agriculture. Field descriptions: Escalating Enforcement

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