Physico-chemical parameters and toxicity of sediments, south-east interceptor work, Nov. 2015

Physico-chemical parameters and toxicity of sediments, south-east interceptor work, Nov. 2015 The main objective of this sampling program was to assess the real effects of the spill on sediment quality by comparing the analytical results of samples taken during and after the spill with those collected before. The distribution of the stations aimed to assess the impacts of the spill near the outlets of the overflow points and in fish habitat, as well as several kilometers downriver, in a natural sediment deposition zone in the delta of the Sorel Islands. The document [Assessment and summary interpretation of spill monitoring] ( provides explanations for these measures. 2023-07-13 Government and Municipalities of Québec Nature and Environment Sediment analysis table in MS Excel XSLX format - 2016 samplingXLSX Sediment analysis table in CSV format - 2016 samplingCSV Sediment analysis table in MS Excel XSLX format - 2015 samplingXLSX Sediment analysis table in CSV format - 2015 samplingCSV Original metadata (

The main objective of this sampling program was to assess the real effects of the spill on sediment quality by comparing the analytical results of samples taken during and after the spill with those collected before. The distribution of the stations aimed to assess the impacts of the spill near the outlets of the overflow points and in fish habitat, as well as several kilometers downriver, in a natural sediment deposition zone in the delta of the Sorel Islands. The document [Assessment and summary interpretation of spill monitoring] ( provides explanations for these measures.

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