Bird Diversity and Abundance - Prince Albert

Bird Diversity and Abundance - Prince Albert Avian point counts are conducted annually by collecting and transcribing acoustic recordings. Recording stations are located along 11 transects, and are visited on mornings between late May and early July. Songs and calls for all identifiable species are documented. Migratory songbirds are an excellent indicator of forest ecosystem health because they are sensitive to environmental change, are widespread, and are easily surveyed. 2024-04-19 Parks Canada Nature and EnvironmentPrince Albert National ParkSaskatchewanforestavianborealbirdacousticpoint count Bird Diversity and Abundance - Prince Albert - Data - 1CSV Bird Diversity and Abundance - Prince Albert - Data DictionaryCSV

Avian point counts are conducted annually by collecting and transcribing acoustic recordings. Recording stations are located along 11 transects, and are visited on mornings between late May and early July. Songs and calls for all identifiable species are documented. Migratory songbirds are an excellent indicator of forest ecosystem health because they are sensitive to environmental change, are widespread, and are easily surveyed.

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