2012 Crown Forest Management Plan Harvest Blocks

2012 Crown Forest Management Plan Harvest Blocks Spatial location of all harvesting identified in the first 10 years of 2012 Forest Management Plans for Crown timber licenses. Blocks are identified by broad treatment category and by the period (2012-2016 and 2017-2022) they are available for harvest. 2024-04-17 Government of New Brunswick opendatadonneesouvertes@snb.ca Nature and EnvironmentforestmanagementcrownharvestharvestsLayoutforestsGovernment information New Brunswick original metadata (https://gnb.socrata.com)HTML https://gnb.socrata.com/datasets/qxe5-jjck 2012 Crown Forest Management Plan Harvest BlocksKML https://opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/64988a566a11414b8d8684c1c7d66570_0.kml 2012 Crown Forest Management Plan Harvest BlocksZIP https://opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/64988a566a11414b8d8684c1c7d66570_0.zip

Spatial location of all harvesting identified in the first 10 years of 2012 Forest Management Plans for Crown timber licenses. Blocks are identified by broad treatment category and by the period (2012-2016 and 2017-2022) they are available for harvest.

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Electronic Mail Address: opendatadonneesouvertes@snb.ca

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