Private school enrolment by gender

Private school enrolment by gender Private school (elementary, secondary, and combined*) enrolment numbers are organized by student gender and school level for each private school. The number captures the enrolment as of October 31st for the given school year. To be included, a student must be actively enrolled to attend the private school as their main school as of October 31. Data includes: * academic year * school number * school name * school level * elementary male enrolment * elementary female enrolment * secondary male enrolment * secondary female enrolment * total male enrolment * total female enrolment Source: As reported by private schools in the Ontario School Information System (OnSIS), October submission. Data includes private, First Nations, overseas, secondary and combined schools. *Combined schools offer both elementary and secondary education. Data does not include publicly funded elementary and secondary schools, hospital and provincial schools and care, treatment and correctional facilities. Small cells have been suppressed: * where fewer than 10 students are in a given category, the data is depicted with (<10) * suppressed totals are depicted with (SP) * the report may not be used in any way that could lead to the identification of an individual Note: * starting 2018-2019, enrolment numbers have been rounded to the nearest five. * where sum/totals are required, actual totals are calculated and then rounded to the nearest 5. As such, rounded numbers may not add up to the reported rounded totals. 2024-05-15 Government of Ontario Government and PoliticsEducation and Training 2014-2015 Academic YearXLSX 2014-2015 Academic YearTXT 2015-2016 Academic YearXLSX 2015-2016 Academic YearTXT 2016-2017 Academic YearXLSX 2016-2017 Academic YearTXT 2017-2018 Academic YearXLSX 2017-2018 Academic YearTXT 2014-2015 l’Année ScolaireTXT 2014-2015 l’Année ScolaireXLSX 2015-2016 l’Année ScolaireXLSX 2015-2016 l’Année ScolaireTXT 2016-2017 l’Année ScolaireXLSX 2016-2017 l’Année ScolaireTXT 2017-2018 l’Année ScolaireXLSX 2017-2018 l’Année ScolaireTXT 2018-2019 Academic YearXLSX 2018-2019 l’Année ScolaireXLSX 2018-2019 Academic YearTXT 2018-2019 l’Année ScolaireTXT 2019-2020 Academic YearTXT 2019-2020 l’Année ScolaireTXT 2019-2020 Academic YearXLSX 2019-2020 l’Année ScolaireXLSX Original metadata ( Original metadata (

Private school (elementary, secondary, and combined) enrolment numbers are organized by student gender and school level for each private school. The number captures the enrolment as of October 31st for the given school year. To be included, a student must be actively enrolled to attend the private school as their main school as of October 31. Data includes: * academic year * school number * school name * school level * elementary male enrolment * elementary female enrolment * secondary male enrolment * secondary female enrolment * total male enrolment * total female enrolment Source: As reported by private schools in the Ontario School Information System (OnSIS), October submission. Data includes private, First Nations, overseas, secondary and combined schools. Combined schools offer both elementary and secondary education. Data does not include publicly funded elementary and secondary schools, hospital and provincial schools and care, treatment and correctional facilities. Small cells have been suppressed: * where fewer than 10 students are in a given category, the data is depicted with (<10) * suppressed totals are depicted with (SP) * the report may not be used in any way that could lead to the identification of an individual Note: * starting 2018-2019, enrolment numbers have been rounded to the nearest five. * where sum/totals are required, actual totals are calculated and then rounded to the nearest 5. As such, rounded numbers may not add up to the reported rounded totals.

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