Manitoba Crop Prices Historical

Manitoba Crop Prices Historical Historical Manitoba market crop prices, based on weekly surveys of grain buyers' pricing This table contains weekly and monthly prices for different crops, based on weekly surveys of grain buyers' pricing, as well as other publicly available market sources. The table contains prices for the current and nine previous years. Each weekly dataset contains prices on the sales that occurred from Friday to Thursday. The monthly price represents a simple average of the corresponding weekly prices. For more information on major crops in Manitoba please visit ARD Livestock Markets and Statistics. This table is used in the Manitoba Crop Prices Historical dashboard. Fields included [Alias (Field name): Field description] Year (Year): Year from the selection of last 10 years including current year Period (Period): Period of time to be presented on charts from the selection of Monthly and Weekly PeriodNo (PeriodNo): Serial number of period (1-12 for monthly presentation, 1-52 for weekly presentation). For weekly presentation, each week contains prices on sales that occurred from Friday to Thursday (e.g., Week 1 of 2021 represents sales between Friday, Jan. 1, 2021 and Thursday, Jan. 7, 2021, with the corresponding report published by the department on Friday, Jan. 8, 2021). For monthly presentation, each month contains simple average prices of weeks, which had more than two days of corresponding month in the period from Monday to Friday (e.g., if the first day of the month is Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, monthly average includes this week; but if the first day of the month is Thursday or Friday, the weekly prices are included in monthly average prices of a previous month). Price (Price): Crop price for the corresponding period of time, in C$ per tonne Crop Category (Crop): Category of grains and oilseeds from the selection of: Wheat, Northern Hard Red;  Wheat, Western Red Spring; Wheat, Red Winter; Wheat, Special Purpose (Low Vomi); Barley, #1CW; Corn, #2; Oats, #2CW; Flaxseed, #1CW; Canola, #1CR; Canola Meal, 34%, Altona; Soybeans; Soymeal, 46%, Wpg; Peas, #2 Yellow. 2024-03-25 Government of Manitoba AgricultureEconomics and IndustrycropManitobaManitoba marketcrop farmingProvince of Manitobaagriculturecrop pricegrain priceoilseed priceManitoba governmentCanadaPublic original metadata ( CSVCSV

Historical Manitoba market crop prices, based on weekly surveys of grain buyers' pricing

This table contains weekly and monthly prices for different crops, based on weekly surveys of grain buyers' pricing, as well as other publicly available market sources. The table contains prices for the current and nine previous years. Each weekly dataset contains prices on the sales that occurred from Friday to Thursday. The monthly price represents a simple average of the corresponding weekly prices. For more information on major crops in Manitoba please visit ARD Livestock Markets and Statistics. This table is used in the Manitoba Crop Prices Historical dashboard. Fields included [Alias (Field name): Field description] Year (Year): Year from the selection of last 10 years including current year Period (Period): Period of time to be presented on charts from the selection of Monthly and Weekly PeriodNo (PeriodNo): Serial number of period (1-12 for monthly presentation, 1-52 for weekly presentation). For weekly presentation, each week contains prices on sales that occurred from Friday to Thursday (e.g., Week 1 of 2021 represents sales between Friday, Jan. 1, 2021 and Thursday, Jan. 7, 2021, with the corresponding report published by the department on Friday, Jan. 8, 2021). For monthly presentation, each month contains simple average prices of weeks, which had more than two days of corresponding month in the period from Monday to Friday (e.g., if the first day of the month is Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, monthly average includes this week; but if the first day of the month is Thursday or Friday, the weekly prices are included in monthly average prices of a previous month). Price (Price): Crop price for the corresponding period of time, in C$ per tonne Crop Category (Crop): Category of grains and oilseeds from the selection of: Wheat, Northern Hard Red;  Wheat, Western Red Spring; Wheat, Red Winter; Wheat, Special Purpose (Low Vomi); Barley, #1CW; Corn, #2; Oats, #2CW; Flaxseed, #1CW; Canola, #1CR; Canola Meal, 34%, Altona; Soybeans; Soymeal, 46%, Wpg; Peas, #2 Yellow.

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