Water quality situation - La Mauricie

Water quality situation - La Mauricie The effects of climate warming, eutrophication, air pollutant inputs and forestry activity that occurred before La Mauricie National Park was created influenced and continue to influence today water quality in the park. These stress factors threaten the natural evolution of aquatic ecosystems. On several small lakes, the quality of the habitat has not ensured the maintenance of the eastern brook trout population and has decreased the beaver population. In order to monitor the aquatic ecosystems, sampling of a number of predetermined lakes is being carried out and water quality is being measured by evaluating parameters related to acidification, eutrophication, general water quality, and oxygen and temperature conditions. 2024-05-05 Parks Canada marc-andre.valiquette@canada.ca Nature and EnvironmentWater QualitySamplingLakesAcidificationEutrophicationDissolved Oxygen LevelpHTemperatureOptimal ZoneMauricie Water quality situation - Data 1CSV https://open.canada.ca/data/dataset/bab87330-9592-4b92-8169-6f81355efb06/resource/309e51d1-5ac1-4842-a8d5-8ef3130839ad/download/la_mauricie_np_eauxdouces_qualitedeau_1973-2017_donnees_1.csv Water quality situation - Data 2CSV https://open.canada.ca/data/dataset/bab87330-9592-4b92-8169-6f81355efb06/resource/82241916-3fac-4fbd-97bb-7c83fadebf5a/download/la_mauricie_np_eauxdouces_qualitedeau_2001-2013_donnees_2.csv Water quality situation - Data 3CSV https://open.canada.ca/data/dataset/bab87330-9592-4b92-8169-6f81355efb06/resource/29670afa-9e24-46e3-90d4-3f798ed38f5f/download/la_mauricie_np_eauxdouces_qualitedeau_1970-2017_donnees_3.csv Water quality situation - Data DictionaryCSV https://open.canada.ca/data/dataset/bab87330-9592-4b92-8169-6f81355efb06/resource/9336a56a-dd81-4068-b213-d351540113bf/download/la_mauricie_np_eauxdouces_qualitedeau_1970-2017_dictionnaire_de_donnees.csv

The effects of climate warming, eutrophication, air pollutant inputs and forestry activity that occurred before La Mauricie National Park was created influenced and continue to influence today water quality in the park. These stress factors threaten the natural evolution of aquatic ecosystems. On several small lakes, the quality of the habitat has not ensured the maintenance of the eastern brook trout population and has decreased the beaver population. In order to monitor the aquatic ecosystems, sampling of a number of predetermined lakes is being carried out and water quality is being measured by evaluating parameters related to acidification, eutrophication, general water quality, and oxygen and temperature conditions.

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