Shaded Relief - 300m

Shaded Relief - 300m This Shaded Relief Image has a resolution of 300 meters and was derived from the /Yukon 90m Shaded Relief/ from Environment Yukon, the /Canada 3D/ elevation model from Natural Resources Canada, and the United States Geological Survey /1:250k DEM of Alaska/. 2024-03-18 Government of Yukon Form DescriptorsNature and EnvironmentScience and TechnologyYukonAlaskaNWTAlbertaBritish ColumbiaHillshadeAspectSunshadeShaded ReliefSlopeImageryDownloadable DataGovernment information ISO 19139 Geographic Information - MetadataHTML Original metadata ( ISO 19139 Geographic Information - MetadataXML FTP Directoryother

This Shaded Relief Image has a resolution of 300 meters and was derived from the /Yukon 90m Shaded Relief/ from Environment Yukon, the /Canada 3D/ elevation model from Natural Resources Canada, and the United States Geological Survey /1:250k DEM of Alaska/.

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