Plant atlas for St. Lawrence Islands National Park

Plant atlas for St. Lawrence Islands National Park The digital atlas contains distribution information of dominant forests plants, species assemblages (vegetation types), and some habitat and structural characteristics occurring in eco-district 6e10 and GPE. This dataset should serve as baseline information for: * natural heritage design and planning * Species at Risk (SAR) recovery planning * state of biodiversity reporting * forest management and planning * invasive species management * ecological good and services estimates * wildlife habitat modeling and mapping Original LIO title: Predicted species distributions and vegetation assemblages for eco-district 6e10, version 1.0. *[SAR]: Species at Risk 2024-07-17 Government of Ontario Economics and IndustryEconomy and BusinessEnvironment and Natural ResourcesEnvironment and energyGovernment information Access to Plant atlas for St. Lawrence Islands National ParkHTML Accéder à la page Atlas des plantes du parc national des Îles-du-Saint-LaurentHTML

The digital atlas contains distribution information of dominant forests plants, species assemblages (vegetation types), and some habitat and structural characteristics occurring in eco-district 6e10 and GPE. This dataset should serve as baseline information for: * natural heritage design and planning * Species at Risk (SAR) recovery planning * state of biodiversity reporting * forest management and planning * invasive species management * ecological good and services estimates * wildlife habitat modeling and mapping Original LIO title: Predicted species distributions and vegetation assemblages for eco-district 6e10, version 1.0. *[SAR]: Species at Risk

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