Private Map 2020 (Managed Forest Code 50)

Private Map 2020 (Managed Forest Code 50) Private map (managed forest code 50) used in the Forest Management in Canada, 2020 story map. Private map (managed forest code 50) with areas identified using provincial and territorial datasets. The Private map is used in the Story Map of Forest Management in Canada, 2020 (Aménagement des forêts au Canada, 2020) and includes the following tiled layer:Tile Layer of Private Managed Forest Code 50: 2020 2024-04-10 Government of Manitoba Nature and EnvironmentPrivate50CCFMForest ManagementCanadaCanadian Council of Forest MinistersPublicForestryEnvironmentForestsResource ManagementNatural ResourcesGeographic DataMaps2020Aménagement des forêts au CanadaforêtsTerres privéesOpen DataGovernment information original metadata (

Private map (managed forest code 50) used in the Forest Management in Canada, 2020 story map.

Private map (managed forest code 50) with areas identified using provincial and territorial datasets. The Private map is used in the Story Map of Forest Management in Canada, 2020 (Aménagement des forêts au Canada, 2020) and includes the following tiled layer:Tile Layer of Private Managed Forest Code 50: 2020

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