MES concentration in the tributary and effluent of the treatment plant (summer period 2015)

MES concentration in the tributary and effluent of the treatment plant (summer period 2015) This set shows the data related to the tributary and the effluent of the treatment plant during the 2015 summer season. These data were subject to special treatments (simulation and estimation efforts) to offer more flexibility to the prototypes developed as part of the Aquahacking 2016 event. This is a one-time and one-time extraction (with no planned updates). The set includes: - Measured concentration of suspended matter (SS) and phosphorus of a sample composed of the tributary on a daily basis - Measured concentration of suspended matter (MES) and phosphorus of a sample composed of the effluent on a daily basis 2024-01-10 Government and Municipalities of Québec Economics and Industry MES concentration in the tributaries and effluents of the treatment plant (2015 summer season)XLS Technical note - AquaHackingPDF Original metadata (

This set shows the data related to the tributary and the effluent of the treatment plant during the 2015 summer season. These data were subject to special treatments (simulation and estimation efforts) to offer more flexibility to the prototypes developed as part of the Aquahacking 2016 event. This is a one-time and one-time extraction (with no planned updates). The set includes: - Measured concentration of suspended matter (SS) and phosphorus of a sample composed of the tributary on a daily basis - Measured concentration of suspended matter (MES) and phosphorus of a sample composed of the effluent on a daily basis

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