OD0053 Civil Service Voluntary Separations

OD0053 Civil Service Voluntary Separations Reports the total number of Civil Service voluntary separations by employees in the classified division for reasons of retirement or resignation. Classified Division includes permanent, probationary and provisional employees.Retirement – Employees who terminate their employment for reason of retirement.Resignation – Employees who have resigned from their position with the Civil Service. 2024-04-22 Government of Prince Edward Island samccourt@gov.pe.ca Government and PoliticsretirementresignationseparationsGovernment and Economy Prince Edward Island original metadata (https://data.princeedwardisland.ca)HTML https://data.princeedwardisland.ca/datasets/b24aa6d10ba04ae58907bf53dcda25cd/about ArcGIS Hub DatasetHTML https://data.princeedwardisland.ca/datasets/b24aa6d10ba04ae58907bf53dcda25cd/explore

Reports the total number of Civil Service voluntary separations by employees in the classified division for reasons of retirement or resignation. Classified Division includes permanent, probationary and provisional employees.Retirement – Employees who terminate their employment for reason of retirement.Resignation – Employees who have resigned from their position with the Civil Service.

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Electronic Mail Address: samccourt@gov.pe.ca

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