Quebec building reference system

Quebec building reference system **Note that this version of the Quebec building repository is an improved version that incorporates the data included in the raw building footprints originally released. The original data will remain available at [next link] ( for the next three months.** * * * The Quebec building repository consists of a continuous layer, created from a bird's eye view and presented in the form of vector polygons. This work is part of the process aimed at providing Quebec with a rich and comprehensive database, documenting the built environment. This dataset integrates geometries from various partnerships and produced using artificial intelligence techniques. The geographic coverage corresponds to the information available when it was published and will be extended according to the availability of new data. For changes since the previous release or for more details on the production techniques and source data used, consult the ** [attribute list] ( **. ## #Caractéristiques levels of completeness The quality of the geometric data may vary depending on the level of completeness (NC)\ * reached and could differ from the reality on the ground, both in terms of representation and in terms of authenticity. This release incorporates NC-0 and NC-1 data corresponding to the following descriptions: * NC-0: Raw vector geometries, from various sources, with no quality control performed; * NC-1: Geometries validated manually (adjustments, additions, deletions).\ * _Each level of completeness (NC) characterizes the level of work of editing, validation, and descriptive content of the dataset. Thematic information will be added to the data set_.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).** 2024-07-02 Government and Municipalities of Québec Form DescriptorsNature and EnvironmentScience and Technology Building RepositoryFGDB/GDB Building RepositoryGPKG Original metadata ( Geographic coverage mapPDF Data dictionaryPDF

Note that this version of the Quebec building repository is an improved version that incorporates the data included in the raw building footprints originally released. The original data will remain available at [next link] ( for the next three months. * * The Quebec building repository consists of a continuous layer, created from a bird's eye view and presented in the form of vector polygons. This work is part of the process aimed at providing Quebec with a rich and comprehensive database, documenting the built environment. This dataset integrates geometries from various partnerships and produced using artificial intelligence techniques. The geographic coverage corresponds to the information available when it was published and will be extended according to the availability of new data. For changes since the previous release or for more details on the production techniques and source data used, consult the [attribute list] ( . ## #Caractéristiques levels of completeness The quality of the geometric data may vary depending on the level of completeness (NC)\ * reached and could differ from the reality on the ground, both in terms of representation and in terms of authenticity. This release incorporates NC-0 and NC-1 data corresponding to the following descriptions: * NC-0: Raw vector geometries, from various sources, with no quality control performed; * NC-1: Geometries validated manually (adjustments, additions, deletions).\ * Each level of completeness (NC) characterizes the level of work of editing, validation, and descriptive content of the dataset. Thematic information will be added to the data set.This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).*

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