Removal of American eel from Port Dalhousie

Removal of American eel from Port Dalhousie In 2018 and 2019 Fisheries and Oceans Canada conducted a project to relocate American Eel (Anguilla rostrata) from Port Dalhousie Harbour to mitigate potential impacts of in-water construction prior to and during an essential harbour revitalization project. American Eel are designated as Endangered under the Province of Ontario’s Endangered Species Act and were confirmed to be present in the area during initial sampling efforts of this project. While a combination of passive eel traps and boat electrofishing were used to capture eels, this dataset includes passive capture data only. A total of four eels were captured using eel traps and all individuals were relocated to Hamilton Harbour. Only two of the four eels captured were large enough to be tagged with acoustic transmitters, both of which eventually returned to Port Dalhousie from Hamilton Harbour. All other fish species captured in the traps were identified, counted and released at Port Dalhousie. 2023-07-11 Fisheries and Oceans Canada Nature and EnvironmentScience and TechnologyAmerican eelPort DalhousieSpecies at RiskEnvironmental protectionInland waters Data DictionaryCSV Removal of American eel from Port Dalhousie - 2018 and 2019 summary report / by Erin N. Budgell, Scott Blair, Warren J.S. Currie, Lisa M. O’Connor, Thomas C. Pratt, and Jonathan D. Midwood.HTML American eel length and massCSV Removal of American eel from Port DalhousieCSV Removal of American eel from Port DalhousieESRI REST Removal of American eel from Port DalhousieESRI REST Removal of American eel from Port Dalhousie - 2018 and 2019 summary report / by Erin N. Budgell, Scott Blair, Warren J.S. Currie, Lisa M. O’Connor, Thomas C. Pratt, and Jonathan D. Midwood.HTML

In 2018 and 2019 Fisheries and Oceans Canada conducted a project to relocate American Eel (Anguilla rostrata) from Port Dalhousie Harbour to mitigate potential impacts of in-water construction prior to and during an essential harbour revitalization project. American Eel are designated as Endangered under the Province of Ontario’s Endangered Species Act and were confirmed to be present in the area during initial sampling efforts of this project. While a combination of passive eel traps and boat electrofishing were used to capture eels, this dataset includes passive capture data only. A total of four eels were captured using eel traps and all individuals were relocated to Hamilton Harbour. Only two of the four eels captured were large enough to be tagged with acoustic transmitters, both of which eventually returned to Port Dalhousie from Hamilton Harbour. All other fish species captured in the traps were identified, counted and released at Port Dalhousie.

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