Forest Salamander Abundance - Cape Breton Highlands

Forest Salamander Abundance - Cape Breton Highlands What? Eastern Red-Backed Salamander (Plethodon cinereus) abundance is being monitored at various old growth forest sites within Cape Breton Highlands National Park. When? Monitoring frequency occurred annually for three consecutive years after initial set-up, and biennially henceforth. In each cycle, four consecutive visits are conducted over a four week period in the fall; the timing is intended to coincide with favourable soil temperatures for salamanders. How? The monitoring sites are located within old growth stands in Cape Breton Highlands National Park. The sites consist of 40 – 50 artificial cover objects (ACO’s – typically pine boards measuring 10” x 10” x 1”) laid down directly on the mineral soil of the forest floor. At each site visit the artificial cover objects are temporarily lifted and inspected; species, count, color phase and age class are recorded of resident salamanders. Why? Salamanders are a useful indicator species of forest health because they are sensitive to a wide range of ecological stressors, particularly those that influence micro-climate, air and water quality. This measure is used to evaluate the health of old growth stands. 2024-05-10 Parks Canada Nature and EnvironmentCape Breton HighlandsEastern-Red-Backed Salamander (Plethodon cinereus)Acadian ForestArtifical Cover ObjectsIndicator SpeciesSalamanader AbundanceForest Health Forest Salamander Abundance - Cape Breton Highlands - DataCSV Forest Salamander Abundance - Cape Breton Highlands - Site DataCSV Forest Salamander Abundance - Cape Breton Highlands - Data DictionaryCSV

What? Eastern Red-Backed Salamander (Plethodon cinereus) abundance is being monitored at various old growth forest sites within Cape Breton Highlands National Park. When? Monitoring frequency occurred annually for three consecutive years after initial set-up, and biennially henceforth. In each cycle, four consecutive visits are conducted over a four week period in the fall; the timing is intended to coincide with favourable soil temperatures for salamanders. How? The monitoring sites are located within old growth stands in Cape Breton Highlands National Park. The sites consist of 40 – 50 artificial cover objects (ACO’s – typically pine boards measuring 10” x 10” x 1”) laid down directly on the mineral soil of the forest floor. At each site visit the artificial cover objects are temporarily lifted and inspected; species, count, color phase and age class are recorded of resident salamanders. Why? Salamanders are a useful indicator species of forest health because they are sensitive to a wide range of ecological stressors, particularly those that influence micro-climate, air and water quality. This measure is used to evaluate the health of old growth stands.

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