OD0016 Drivers By Class

OD0016 Drivers By Class This data set applies to the Total Number of Drivers per Class and are recorded as of April 1. 2024-04-22 Government of Prince Edward Island glminer@gov.pe.ca Government and Politicsdriver's licenceclasslicensing Prince Edward Island original metadata (https://data.princeedwardisland.ca)HTML https://data.princeedwardisland.ca/datasets/0a3c574c49db40e298ffdc7f30f6865f/about ArcGIS Hub DatasetHTML https://data.princeedwardisland.ca/datasets/0a3c574c49db40e298ffdc7f30f6865f/explore

This data set applies to the Total Number of Drivers per Class and are recorded as of April 1.

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Contact Information

Electronic Mail Address: glminer@gov.pe.ca

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