Beluga whale summer herds distribution in the St. Lawrence Estuary

Beluga whale summer herds distribution in the St. Lawrence Estuary This layer represents the seasonal distribution of the St. Lawrence Estuary beluga whale population (Delphinapterus leucas). Three groups are represented: females with calf, adult males and mixed sectors. Herd distribution was defined using Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) published data about beluga whales (see references). Herd distribution areas are only valid during the summer, and the uses of these areas by the herds are unknown. Data source : Michaud, R. 1993. Distribution estivale du béluga du St-Laurent; synthèse 1986-1992. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 1906: vi + 28 p. 2023-07-11 Fisheries and Oceans Canada Nature and EnvironmentScience and TechnologyQuebecEstuary of St. LawrenceMarine mammalsWhaleDistributionSummerHerdsBelugaDelphinapterus animalsAquatic ecosystemsAquatic wildlife Beluga whale summer herds distribution in the St. Lawrence EstuaryESRI REST Beluga whale summer herds distribution in the St. Lawrence EstuaryESRI REST Data dictionaryCSV Layer of the beluga whale summer herds distribution in the St. Lawrence EstuarySHP

This layer represents the seasonal distribution of the St. Lawrence Estuary beluga whale population (Delphinapterus leucas). Three groups are represented: females with calf, adult males and mixed sectors. Herd distribution was defined using Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) published data about beluga whales (see references).

Herd distribution areas are only valid during the summer, and the uses of these areas by the herds are unknown.

Data source :

Michaud, R. 1993. Distribution estivale du béluga du St-Laurent; synthèse 1986-1992. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 1906: vi + 28 p.

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